Satellite In-Line Amp, Tx/Rx Satellite BUC Transmitter / Receiver, Rack Mountable IF Amp, Active Splitters, Transceivers BUC/LNB Combo's LNBF, C-Band Home
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Satellite BUC Watt 5 10 20 50 25 100 400 power ka ku x V q S band In-Line Amplifier Tx/Rx Satellite BUC Transmitter / Receiver Rack Mou


The Largest Selection    BUC 5 10 25 50 100 200 250 400 Watt







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 >> Satellite / Parabolic:Wikipedia


Satellite / Parabolic

Amplifiers - All amplifiers are available as single units or in redundant or combined systems-
Wikipedia For products in frequencies other than S-Band - C-Band - X-Band - K-Band - Ku-Band - Ka-Band - W-Band - Q-Band - V-Band - DBS-Band - Tri-Band - S-Band - UHF-Band - L-Band - Multi-Band, please refer to our other products pages. Product line includes: HPA - high-frequency solid state amplifiers - Military Satcom - oscillator power-amplifier systems - Millimeter wave klystron technology - Crossed-Field Amplifiers-Wikipedia (CFAs) TWT cathode or grid pulsing. - SSPA- Solid State Power Amplifiers (SSPAs) and Block Upconverters (BUCs) Upconverter - TWTA-Wikipedia Outdoor Indoor Traveling Wave Tube Amplifiers Coupled Cavity TWTs . TWT - Ring-Loop TWT - Pulsed ring-loop traveling wave tube - Pulsed Products - Inductive Output Tubes (IOTs) - Klystrodes - Klystrons-Wikipedia Gyrotrons - CW Oscillators - Pulsed Oscillators - Pulsed Products - TWT cathode or grid pulsing - Millimeter wave uplink amplifiers - Power Couplers - RF Decks - Standalone RF amplifier decks ) can be provided. The RF chain is completely configured to your requirements.  

Satellite Amplifier - SSPA - TWTA - BUC - In-line - LNB Amplifier-Wikipedia

Block Upconverters (BUC)-Wikipedia

A block Upconverter (BUC) is used in the transmission (uplink) of satellite signals. It converts a band of frequencies from a lower frequency to a higher frequency. Modern BUCs convert from the L band to Ku band, C band and Ka band. Older BUCs convert from a 70 MHz intermediate frequency (IF) to Ku band or C band.




Terrasat Communications designs and manufactures innovative RF solutions for Satellite Communications systems. Our ground-breaking IBUC – the Intelligent Block Upconverter – brings advanced features and performance to C-band, X-band, Ku-band and Ka-band satellite earth terminals and VSAT's. Our products offer exceptional value at reasonable cost, thereby allowing our customers to stay ahead of their competitors.

C-Band  BUC-Wikipedia

Nearly all C-band communication satellites use the band of frequencies from 3.7 to 4.2 GHz for their downlinks, and the band of frequencies from 5.925 to 6.425 GHz for their uplinks. Note that by using the band from 3.7 to 4.0 GHz, this C-band overlaps somewhat into the IEEE S-band for radars.



5-10 Watt C-Band BUC 68 dB min

5 Watt C-Band BUC2e


10 Watt C-Band BUC2e


15 Watt C-Band BUC2e


20 Watt C-Band BUC2e


Description: The latest evolution of the Terrasat IBUC has all of the advanced features and reliability of the original IBUC2e in a new, more compact package. IBUC2e offers high performance in a compact, cost effective package with simplified 1+1 configuration and installation. IBUC2e comes with a complete set of diagnostic tools including:10 MHz input detector. Input voltage and current monitoring. Transmit L-band input level detector. Transmit RF output level detector. User configurable thresholds and alarm.

IBUC2e5W   Data Sheet
IBUC2e10W Data Sheet
Data Sheet
Data Sheet



15-20 Watt C-Band BUC 68 dB min

5 Watt C-Band BUC


10 Watt C-Band BUC


Description: IBUC2 offers significant benefits: High performance in a compact, cost effective package. Simple design and installation. Simplified 1+1 configuration. New interfaces connect you to extensive M&C facilities for network management or local access. This powerful M&C enables: Trouble-free commissioning with easy, point-and-click installation/configuration. Continuous verification of performance with time-stamped alarm history. Simplified monitoring of terminal status.

IBUC2-5W   Data Sheet
Data Sheet
Data Sheet
Data Sheet







25-30 Watt C-Band BUC 68 dB min

25 Watt C-Band BUC


30 Watt C-Band BUC


40 Watt C-Band BUC


50 Watt C-Band BUC


60 Watt C-Band BUC


Description: IBUC2 offers significant benefits: High performance in a compact, cost effective package. Simple design and installation. Simplified 1+1 configuration. New interfaces connect you to extensive M&C facilities for network management or local access. This powerful M&C enables: Trouble-free commissioning with easy, point-and-click installation/configuration. Continuous verification of performance with time-stamped alarm history. Simplified monitoring of terminal status.

IBUC2-25W Data Sheet
Data Sheet
Data Sheet
Data Sheet
Data Sheet


Terrasat IBUC 2 C-band 5W -10w

Terrasat IBUC C-band 5W


10 Watt C-Band BUC


Terrasat IBUC C-band 20W


25 Watt C-Band BUC


Terrasat IBUC C-band 40W


50 Watt C-Band BUC


  Terrasat IBUC C-band 60W


80 Watt C-Band BUC


Description: IBUC for higher performance and reliability. High linearity. All models available with integral AC power supply or separate DC power supply. 

IBUC2-5w Data Sheet    Data Sheet
IBUC2-10W Data Sheet
Data Sheet
IBUC2-20W Data Sheet
Data Sheet
IBUC2-25W Data Sheet
Data Sheet
IBUC2-40w Data Sheet 
Data Sheet
IBUC2-50W Data Sheet
Data Sheet
IBUC2-60W Data Sheet
Data Sheet
IBUC2-80W Data Sheet
Data Sheet



IBUC R C-band 80W-100w-125w

IBUC R C-band 80Watt


IBUC R C-band 100Watt


IBUC R C-band 125Watt


Description: IBUC for higher performance and reliability. High linearity. All models available with integral AC power supply or separate DC power supply. 

IBUCR-80w   Data Sheet
Data Sheet
Data Sheet
Data Sheet
Data Sheet
Data Sheet






C-Band IBUC2G-100W-GaN


Description: IBTCP/IP HTTP with embedded Web pages. SNMP. TELNET through TCP/IP. FSK through TX IFL cable. RS232/485 serial port. Hand-held terminal.

IBUC2G-100w Data Sheet





IBUC C-band HP 100W-125w

IBUC C-band HP 100Watt


IBUC C-band HP 125Watt


Description: IBUC HP has TCP/IP HTTP with embedded Web pages. SNMP. TELNET through TCP/IP. FSK through TX IFL cable. RS232/485 serial port. Hand-held terminal. Offers significant benefits: Low terminal cost. Simple design and installation. Superior RF performance. Simplified 1+1 configuration.

IBUC-HP-100w  Data Sheet
Data Sheet
Data Sheet
Data Sheet
Data Sheet


IBUC G C-band 400W 

IBUC G C-band 400Watt


Description: IBUC G offers significant benefits: Low terminal cost. Simple design and installation. Superior RF performance. Simplified 1+1 configuration.

IBUCG-400w Data Sheet








The Ku band is a portion of the electromagnetic spectrum in the microwave range of frequencies ranging from 11.7 to 12.7GHz. (downlink frequencies) and 14 to 14.5GHz (uplink frequencies) Low or extended Ku band is used from 10.7 to 12.75 GHz (LOF Low 9.750 GHz, LOF High 10.750 GHz)


4-8 Watt Ku-Band BUC

4 Watt Ku-Band BUC


8 Watt Ku-Band BUC


12 Watt Ku-Band BUC


 16 Watt Ku-Band BUC


Description: The latest evolution of the Terrasat IBUC has all of the advanced features and reliability of the original IBUC2e in a new, more compact package. IBUC2e offers high performance in a compact, cost effective package with simplified 1+1 configuration and installation. IBUC2e comes with a complete set of diagnostic tools including:10 MHz input detector. Input voltage and current monitoring. Transmit L-band input level detector. Transmit RF output level detector. User configurable thresholds and alarm.

IBUC2e4W    Data Sheet
Data Sheet
Data Sheet
Data Sheet




10-12Watt Ku-Band BUC

4 Watt Ku-Band BUC 


8 Watt Ku-Band BUC


10 Watt Ku-Band BUC


12 Watt Ku-Band BUC


Description: IBUC2 offers significant benefits: High performance in a compact, cost effective package. Simple design and installation. Simplified 1+1 configuration. New interfaces connect you to extensive M&C facilities for network management or local access. This powerful M&C enables: Trouble-free commissioning with easy, point-and-click installation/configuration. Continuous verification of performance with time-stamped alarm history. Simplified monitoring of terminal status.

IBUC2-4W   Data Sheet
  Data Sheet
Data Sheet
Data Sheet


20-25 Watt Ku-Band BUC

20 Watt Ku-Band BUC


25 Watt Ku-Band BUC


30 Watt Ku-Band BUC


40 Watt Ku-Band BUC


Description: IBUC2 offers significant benefits: High performance in a compact, cost effective package. Simple design and installation. Simplified 1+1 configuration. New interfaces connect you to extensive M&C facilities for network management or local access. This powerful M&C enables: Trouble-free commissioning with easy, point-and-click installation/configuration. Continuous verification of performance with time-stamped alarm history. Simplified monitoring of terminal status.

IBUC2-20W Data Sheet
Data Sheet
Data Sheet
Data Sheet




Terrasat IBUC  Ku-band 4W -8w

Terrasat IBUC Ku-band 4Watt


8 Watt Ku-Band BUC


12 Watt Ku-Band BUC


16 Watt Ku-Band BUC


Description: IBUC for higher performance and reliability. High linearity. All models available with integral AC power supply or separate DC power supply. 

IBUC-4w   Data Sheet
Data Sheet
Data Sheet
Data Sheet



Terrasat IBUC Ku-band 20W-25w 

Terrasat IBUC Ku-band 20Watt


 25 Watt Ku-Band BUC


  30 Watt Ku-Band BUC


 40 Watt Ku-Band BUC


 50 Watt Ku-Band BUC


Description: IBUC for higher performance and reliability. High linearity. All models available with integral AC power supply or separate DC power supply. 

IBUC-20w Data Sheet
Data Sheet
Data Sheet
Data Sheet
Data Sheet





IBUC R C-band 80W-100w-125w

IBUC R Ku-band 50Watt


IBUC R Ku-band 60Watt


IBUC R Ku-band 80Watt


Description: IBUC for higher performance and reliability. High linearity. All models available with integral AC power supply or separate DC power supply. 

IBUCR-50w Data Sheet
Data Sheet
Data Sheet



IBUC Ku-band 50W-60W-80W

IBUC R Ku-band 100Watt


IBUC R Ku-band 125Watt


Description: IBUC for higher performance and reliability. High linearity. All models available with integral AC power supply or separate DC power supply. 

IBUCR-100w Data Sheet
Data Sheet







Ku-IBUC2G-GaN 5Watt










Description: IBUC 2 comes with a complete set of diagnostic tools including: 10 MHz input detector. Input voltage and current monitoring. Transmit L-band input level detector. Transmit RF output level detector. User configurable thresholds and alarms. 

Ku-IBUC2G-5w   Data Sheet
Data Sheet
Data Sheet
Data Sheet
Data Sheet




Ku-Band IBUC2G-GaN-150W/200W

Ku-Band IBUC-G-GaN-150W/200Watt


Description: IBTCP/IP HTTP with embedded Web pages. SNMP. TELNET through TCP/IP. FSK through TX IFL cable. RS232/485 serial port. Hand-held terminal.

Ku-IBUC2G-150w/200w Data Sheet



IBUC Ku-band HP 60W

IBUC Ku-band HP 60Watt


IBUC Ku-band HP 80Watt


IBUC Ku-band HP 100W


Description: IBUC HP has TCP/IP HTTP with embedded Web pages. SNMP. TELNET through TCP/IP. FSK through TX IFL cable. RS232/485 serial port. Hand-held terminal. Offers significant benefits: Low terminal cost. Simple design and installation. Superior RF performance. Simplified 1+1 configuration.

IBUC-HP-60w   Data Sheet
Data Sheet
Data Sheet









Ka-Band BUC-Wikipedia

The Ka band ("kay-ay band") covers the radio frequencies of 26.5–40 GHz, i.e. wavelengths from slightly over one centimeter down to 7.5 millimeters. The Ka band is part of the K band of the microwave band of the electromagnetic spectrum. This symbol refers to "K-above": in other words, the band directly above the K-band. The 30/20 GHz band is used in communications satellites, uplink in either the 27.5 GHz and 31 GHz bands, and high-resolution, close-range targeting radars aboard military airplanes.



Terrasat IBUC 2 Ka-band 5W-10w

Terrasat IBUC 2 Ka-band 5Watt


 IBUC 2 Ka-band 10Watt


Description: IBUC 2 Ka-band 5W-25W offers significant benefits: High performance in a compact, cost effective package. Simple design and installation. Simplified 1+1 configuration.
New interfaces connect you to extensive M&C facilities for network management or local access. Trouble free commissioning with easy, point-and-click. Installation/configuration. Continuous verification of performance with time-stamped alarm history. Simplified monitoring of terminal status.

Ka-IBUC2-5w   Data Sheet
Data Sheet




Terrasat IBUC 2 Ka-band 16W-20w-25w

Terrasat IBUC 2 Ka-band 16Watt


IBUC 2 Ka-band 20Watt


IBUC 2 Ka-band 25Watt


Description: IBUC 2 Ka-band 5W-25W offers significant benefits: High performance in a compact, cost effective package. Simple design and installation. Simplified 1+1 configuration.
New interfaces connect you to extensive M&C facilities for network management or local access. Trouble free commissioning with easy, point-and-click. Installation/configuration. Continuous verification of performance with time-stamped alarm history. Simplified monitoring of terminal status.

Ka-IBUC2G-16w Data Sheet
Data Sheet
Data Sheet




IBUC 2G Ka-band 5W-10W

IBUC 2G Ka-band 5Watt


IBUC 2G Ka-band 10Watt


Description: IBTCP/IP HTTP with embedded Web pages. SNMP. TELNET through TCP/IP. FSK through TX IFL cable. RS232/485 serial port. Hand-held terminal.

Ka-IBUC-5w   Data Sheet
Data Sheet



Ku-Band IBUC2G-GaN-150W/200W

IBUC 2G Ka-band 16Watt


IBUC 2G Ka-band 20Watt


IBUC 2G Ka-band 40Watt


Description: IBTCP/IP HTTP with embedded Web pages. SNMP. TELNET through TCP/IP. FSK through TX IFL cable. RS232/485 serial port. Hand-held terminal.

Ka-IBUC-16w Data Sheet
Data Sheet
Data Sheet


X-Band  BUC-Wikipedia

The X band is a segment of the microwave radio region of the electromagnetic spectrum. In some cases, such as in communication engineering, the frequency range of the X band is rather indefinitely set at approximately 7.0 to 11.2 GHz. In radar engineering, the frequency range is specified by the IEEE at 8.0 to 12.0 GHz.


IBUC 2 X-band 5W-10W-20W-25W

IBUC 2 X-band 5Watt


IBUC 2 X-band 10Watt


IBUC 2 X-band 20Watt


IBUC 2 X-band 25Watt


Description: The latest evolution of the IBUC has all of the advanced features and reliability of the original IBUC in a new, more compact package. IBUC2 offers significant benefits: High performance in a compact, cost effective package. Simple design and installation. Simplified 1+1 configuration.

IBUC2-X-5W    Data Sheet
Data Sheet
Data Sheet
Data Sheet


IBUC 2 X-band 40W-50W-60W

IBUC 2 X-band 40Watt


IBUC 2 X-band 50Watt


IBUC 2 X-band 60Watt


Description: The latest evolution of the IBUC has all of the advanced features and reliability of the original IBUC in a new, more compact package. IBUC2 offers significant benefits: High performance in a compact, cost effective package. Simple design and installation. Simplified 1+1 configuration.

IBUC2-X-40W  Data Sheet
Data Sheet
Data Sheet




IBUC X-band 5W-10W

IBUC X-band 5Watt


IBUC X-band 10Watt


IBUC X-band 20Watt


IBUC X-band 25Watt


Description: New interfaces connect you to extensive M&C facilities for network management or local access. This powerful new M&C enables: Trouble-free commissioning with easy, point-and-click installation/configuration. Continuous verification of performance with time-stamped alarm history. Simplified monitoring of terminal status.

X-IBUC-5w   Data Sheet
Data Sheet
Data Sheet
Data Sheet


IBUC X-band 20W-25W

IBUC X-band 40Watt


IBUC X-band 50Watt


IBUC X-band 60Watt


IBUC X-band 80Watt


Description: New interfaces connect you to extensive M&C facilities for network management or local access. This powerful new M&C enables: Trouble-free commissioning with easy, point-and-click installation/configuration. Continuous verification of performance with time-stamped alarm history. Simplified monitoring of terminal status.

X-IBUC-40w Data Sheet
Data Sheet
Data Sheet
Data Sheet




IBUC R X-band 100WATT

IBUC R X-band 80Watt


IBUC R X-band 100Watt


IBUC R X-band 125Watt


IBUC R X-band 150Watt


IBUC R X-band 175Watt


Description: New interfaces connect you to extensive M&C facilities for network management or local access. This powerful new M&C enables: Trouble-free commissioning with easy, point-and-click installation/configuration. Continuous verification of performance with time-stamped alarm history. Simplified monitoring of terminal status.

X-IBUC-R-80w   Data Sheet
Data Sheet
Data Sheet
Data Sheet
Data Sheet



IBUC X-band HP 100WATT

IBUC X-band HP 100Watt


IBUC X-band HP 125Watt


IBUC X-band HP 150Watt


IBUC X-band HP 175Watt


Description: Trouble-free commissioning with easy, point-and-click installation/configuration.
Continuous verification of performance with time-stamped alarm history. Simplified monitoring of terminal status. TCP/IP HTTP with embedded Web pages SNMP. TELNET through TCP/IP. FSK through TX IFL cable. RS232/485 serial port. Hand-held terminal. 

X-IBUC-HP-100w Data Sheet
Data Sheet
Data Sheet
Data Sheet



IBUC 2G X-band 100Watt

IBUC 2G X-band 100Watt 


Description: The revolutionary IBUC 2G has advanced features and a Gallium Nitride (GaN) amplifier for increased efficiency. IBUC 2G offers significant benefits: Low terminal cost. Simple design and installation. Superior RF performance. Simplified 1+1 configuration. Compact, light-weight package.

X-IBUC-2G-100w Data Sheet




IBUC G X-band 400W

IBUC G X-band 400Watt


Description: The revolutionary IBUC G has advanced features and a Gallium Nitride (GaN) amplifier for increased efficiency. IBUC G offers significant benefits: Low terminal cost. Simple design and installation. Superior RF performance. Simplified 1+1 configuration.

X-IBUC-G-400w Data Sheet




DBS-Band BUC-Wikipedia

This new allocation will have 17.3-17.7 GHz as the downlink broadcast band, and a band at 24.75-25.25 GHz for the "feeder link" Earth-to-space band. The current DBS band, used by DirecTV and EchoStar, is 12.2-12.7 GHz for the downlinks and 17.3-17.8 GHz for the uplinks.


IBUC 2 DBS-band 3Watt-5watt-8watt

IBUC 2 DBS-band 3Watt


IBUC 2 DBS-band 5Watt


 IBUC 2 DBS-band 8Watt


Description: The latest evolution of the IBUC has all of the advanced features and reliability of the original IBUC in a new, more compact package. IBUC2 offers significant benefits: High performance in a compact, cost effective package. Simple design and installation. Simplified 1+1 configuration. 

DBS-IBUC-3w Data Sheet
Data Sheet
Data Sheet


IBUC 2 DBS-band 10Watt-20watt-25watt

IBUC 2 DBS-band 10Watt


IBUC 2 DBS-band 20Watt


IBUC 2 DBS-band 25Watt


Description: The latest evolution of the IBUC has all of the advanced features and reliability of the original IBUC in a new, more compact package. IBUC2 offers significant benefits: High performance in a compact, cost effective package. Simple design and installation. Simplified 1+1 configuration.

DBS-IBUC-10w Data Sheet
Data Sheet
Data Sheet



Actox manages the manufacturing, importation, sales, marketing, and integration of satellite telecommunication products originating in Europe, USA, and Asia. Actox also maintains its own manufacturing facilities and service centers and in the USA, Europe, Middle East and Asia.

C-Band  BUC-Wikipedia

Nearly all C-band communication satellites use the band of frequencies from 3.7 to 4.2 GHz for their downlinks, and the band of frequencies from 5.925 to 6.425 GHz for their uplinks. Note that by using the band from 3.7 to 4.0 GHz, this C-band overlaps somewhat into the IEEE S-band for radars.



2Watt Full Mini C-Band Block Up Converter 

2Watt Full Mini C-Band Block Up Converter


Description: This unit features: Output frequency 5.850-7.05 GHz. Double- L.O. (electronically and manually switchable 4.9 & 5.5 GHz). High efficiency output power. Internal 10MHz high stability 10-8 reference (optional). Low power consumption (15W max). Field-exchangeable (F/N) IF connector.

ABA2XC  Data Sheet




5Watt Mini Full C-Band Block Up Converter

5Watt Mini Full C-Band Block Up Converter


10Watt Mini Full C Band Block Up Converter


Description: This unit features: Output frequency 5.85 GHz - 7.05 GHz. Double L.O. (electronically and manually switchable 4.9 & 5.5 GHz). Incomparable low power consumption (19W max). High power efficiency (5W min over temperature). Digital temperature compensation. 
Field-exchangeable (F/N) IF connector. Power and lock status LED. Advanced M&C interface - combined RS-232/485 + optional FSK. Internal 10MHz high stability 10-8 reference (optional).

ABA5XCM Data Sheet



5W-8watt-10watt Extended C-Band Block Up Converter 

5Watt Extended C-Band Block Up Converter


8Watt Extended C-Band Block Up Converter


10W Extended C-Band Block Up Converter/ DCM


Description: This unit features: Output frequency 5.850-6.725 GHz. Incomparable low power consumption (19W at 37dBm). Utilizing GaN technology. Internal 10MHz high stability 10-8 reference (optional). Lowest power consumption (19W max). Field-exchangeable (F/N) IF connector. Incomparable low phase noise. L.O., alarm and lock LED. RoHS compliant.

ABA5DC / ABA5DCF     Data Sheet
Data Sheet
Data Sheet



10watt-12watt-15watt buc

10Watt Extended C-Band Block Up Converter


12Watt Ext C-Band Block Up Converter 


15Watt Ext C-Band Block Up Converter


Description: This unit features: 5.850GHz - 6.725GHz output frequency. Based on GaN technology which enables high efficiency, low power consumption and high reliability. Local oscillator 4.90 GHz. Incomparable low power consumption (39 W max). Auto-ranging 15-60 VDC powering option. Digital temperature compensation. Field-exchangeable (F/N) IF connector. Power and lock status LED. Advanced M&C interface - combined RS-232/485 and FSK (optional). Internal 10MHz high stability 10-8 reference (optional). RoHS compliant.

ABE10DC / ABE10DCF Data Sheet
Data Sheet
Data Sheet



10Watt-12watt-15watt Full C-Band BUC

10Watt Full C-Band Block Up Converter


12Watt Full C-Band Block Up Converter


15Watt Full C-Band Block Up Converter


Description: This unit features: 5.85GHz - 7.05GHz output frequency. Double L.O. (electronically and manually switchable 4.9 & 5.5 GHz). Incomparable low power consumption (44 W max). High power efficiency. Digital temperature compensation. Field-exchangeable (F/N) IF connector. Power and lock status LED. Advanced M&C interface - combined RS-232/485 + FSK. Internal 10MHz high stability 10-8 reference (optional).

ABE10XC / ABE10XCF Data Sheet
Data Sheet
Data Sheet





12watt-15watt Full C-Band BUC

12Watt Full C-Band Block Up Converter


15Watt Full C-Band Block Up Converter


Description: This unit features: 5.85GHz - 7.05GHz output frequency. Double L.O. (electronically and manually switchable 4.9 & 5.5 GHz). Incomparable low power consumption (44 W max). High power efficiency. Digital temperature compensation. Field-exchangeable (F/N) IF connector. Power and lock status LED. Advanced M&C interface - combined RS-232/485 + FSK. Internal 10MHz high stability 10-8 reference (optional).

Data Sheet
Data Sheet




20watt-40watt BUC

20Watt Full C-Band Block Up Converter


40Watt Full C-Band Block Up Converter


Description: This unit features: 5.85 GHz - 7.05 GHz output frequency. Double L.O. (electronically and manually switchable 4.9 & 5.5 GHz). Incomparable low power consumption (75W max). High power efficiency (20W min over temperature). Digital temperature compensation. Auto-ranging powering option 15-60VDC. Field-exchangeable (F/N) IF connector. Power and lock status LED. Advanced M&C interface - combined RS-232/485 + optional FSK. Internal 10MHz high stability 10-8 reference (optional)

Data Sheet
Data Sheet




20watt-40watt BUC

100Watt Full C-Band Block Up Converter 


Description: This unit features: 5.85 GHz - 7.05 GHz output frequency. Double L.O. (electronically and manually switchable 4.9 & 5.5 GHz). Incomparable low power consumption (75W max). High power efficiency (20W min over temperature). Digital temperature compensation. Auto-ranging powering option 15-60VDC. Field-exchangeable (F/N) IF connector. Power and lock status LED. Advanced M&C interface - combined RS-232/485 + optional FSK. Internal 10MHz high stability 10-8 reference (optional)

Data Sheet





25Watt Fan-less BUC 30watt Fan-less BUC

20Watt Fan-less Ext. C-Band 5.850-6.725 GHz BUC


25W Fan-less Ext.C-Band 5.85-6.725 GHz BUC


30W Fan-less Ext. C-Band 5.85-6.725 GHz BUC


40W Fan-less Ext. C-Band 5.85-6.725 GHz BUC


Description: This unit features: Output frequency 5.850-7.05 GHz. Double- L.O. (electronically and manually switchable 4.9 & 5.5 GHz). High efficiency output power. Internal 10MHz high stability 10-8 reference (optional). Low power consumption (15W max). Field-exchangeable (F/N) IF connector.

ABE20DC / ABE20DCF Data Sheet
Data Sheet
Data Sheet
Data Sheet





60Watt Fan-less BUC

40Watt Fan-less Ext. C-Band 5.850-6.725 GHz BUC


60Watt Fan-less Ext.C-Band 5.85-6.725 GHz BUC


Description: This unit features: Output frequency 5.850-7.05 GHz. Double- L.O. (electronically and manually switchable 4.9 & 5.5 GHz). High efficiency output power. Internal 10MHz high stability 10-8 reference (optional). Low power consumption (15W max). Field-exchangeable (F/N) IF connector.

ABD40DC / ABD40DCF  Data Sheet
Data Sheet




25Watt Fan-less Full C-Band BUC

25Watt Fan-less Full C-Band BUC


Description: This unit features: 5.85 GHz - 7.05 GHz output frequency. Double L.O. (electronically and manually switchable 4.9 & 5.5 GHz). Incomparable low power consumption (75W max). High power efficiency (20W min over temperature). Digital temperature compensation. Auto-ranging powering option 15-60VDC. Field-exchangeable (F/N) IF connector. Power and lock status LED. Advanced M&C interface - combined RS-232/485 + optional FSK. Internal 10MHz high stability 10-8 reference (optional)

Data Sheet



30Watt Fan-less Full C-Band BUC

30Watt Fan-less Full C-Band BUC


Description: This unit features: 5.85 GHz - 7.05 GHz output frequency. Double L.O. (electronically and manually switchable 4.9 & 5.5 GHz). Incomparable low power consumption (75W max). High power efficiency (20W min over temperature). Digital temperature compensation. Auto-ranging powering option 15-60VDC. Field-exchangeable (F/N) IF connector. Power and lock status LED. Advanced M&C interface - combined RS-232/485 + optional FSK. Internal 10MHz high stability 10-8 reference (optional)

Data Sheet





100watt extended buc

80Watt Extended C-Band Block Up Converter


100Watt Ext. C-Band Block Up Converter


Description: This unit features: 5.85 GHz - 7.05 GHz output frequency. Double L.O. (electronically and manually switchable 4.9 & 5.5 GHz). Incomparable low power consumption (75W max). High power efficiency (20W min over temperature). Digital temperature compensation. Auto-ranging powering option 15-60VDC. Field-exchangeable (F/N) IF connector. Power and lock status LED. Advanced M&C interface - combined RS-232/485 + optional FSK.Internal 10MHz high stability 10-8 reference (optional)

ABD80DC / ABD80DCF      Data Sheet
Data Sheet




150Watt Extended C-Band Block Up Converter

125Watt Ext. C-Band Block Up Converter


150Watt Ext. C-Band Block Up Converter


Description: This unit features: 5.85 GHz - 7.05 GHz output frequency. Double L.O. (electronically and manually switchable 4.9 & 5.5 GHz). Incomparable low power consumption (75W max). High power efficiency (20W min over temperature). Digital temperature compensation. Auto-ranging powering option 15-60VDC . Field-exchangeable (F/N) IF connector. Power and lock status LED. Advanced M&C interface - combined RS-232/485 + optional FSK. Internal 10MHz high stability 10-8 reference (optional)

ABD125DC / ABD125DCF Data Sheet
Data Sheet





100Watt Full C-Band Block


Description: This unit features: 5.85 GHz - 7.05 GHz output frequency. Double L.O. (electronically and manually switchable 4.9 & 5.5 GHz). Incomparable low power consumption (75W max). High power efficiency (20W min over temperature). Digital temperature compensation. Auto-ranging powering option 15-60VDC. Field-exchangeable (F/N) IF connector. Power and lock status LED. Advanced M&C interface - combined RS-232/485 + optional FSK. Internal 10MHz high stability 10-8 reference (optional)

Data Sheet



200Watt Extended C-Band Block Up Converter

200Watt Extended C-Band Block Up Converter


Description: This unit features: 5.85 GHz - 7.05 GHz output frequency. Double L.O. (electronically and manually switchable 4.9 & 5.5 GHz). Incomparable low power consumption (75W max). High power efficiency (20W min over temperature). Digital temperature compensation. Auto-ranging powering option 15-60VDC. Field-exchangeable (F/N) IF connector. Power and lock status LED. Advanced M&C interface - combined RS-232/485 + optional FSK. Internal 10MHz high stability 10-8 reference (optional)

Data Sheet




Ku-Band BUC-Wikipedia

The Ku band is a portion of the electromagnetic spectrum in the microwave range of frequencies ranging from 11.7 to 12.7GHz. (downlink frequencies) and 14 to 14.5GHz (uplink frequencies) Low or extended Ku band is used from 10.7 to 12.75 GHz (LOF Low 9.750 GHz, LOF High 10.750 GHz)



2Watt  3watt 6watt Mini Ext. Ku-Band BUC

2Watt Mini Ext. Ku-Band BUC


3Watt Mini Ext. Ku-Band BUC


6Watt Mini Ext. Ku-Band BUC


Description: Output frequency 13.75-14.50 GHz. Based on GaN technology which enables high efficiency, low energy consumption and high reliability. Smallest package size and weight. Industry’s lowest power consumption (<14W). L.O. 12.80 GHz. High power efficiency. RoHS compliant. Three-year warranty.

ABA2KX / ABA2KXF Data Sheet
Data Sheet
Data Sheet




4Watt 5watt 6wattSuper Mini Ext. Ku-Band BUC

4Watt Super Mini Ext. Ku-Band BUC


5Watt Super Mini Ext. Ku-Band BUC


6Watt Super Mini Ext. Ku-Band BUC


Description: Output frequency 13.75-14.50 GHz. L.O. 12.80 GHz. Based on GaN technology which enables high efficiency, low energy consumption and high reliability. Smallest package size and weight. Powered through IF cable. Industry's lowest power consumption (<19W). High power efficiency. RoHS compliant. Three-year warranty.

ABA4SKX / ABA4SKXF  Data Sheet
Data Sheet
Data Sheet




80Watt(mini) Extended Ku-Band BUC 

80Watt (mini) Extended Ku-Band BUC


Description: 5.85 GHz - 7.05 GHz output frequency. Double L.O. (electronically and manually switchable 4.9 & 5.5 GHz). Incomparable low power consumption (75W max).  High power efficiency (20W min over temperature). Digital temperature compensation. Auto-ranging powering option 15-60VDC. Field-exchangeable (F/N) IF connector.Power and lock status LED. Advanced M&C interface - combined RS-232/485 + optional FSK. Internal 10MHz high stability 10-8 reference (optional

ABD80KX / ABD80KXF Data Sheet





1000Watt(mini) Extended Ku-Band BUC 

100Watt (mini) Extended Ku-Band BUC


Description: This unit features: 5.85 GHz - 7.05 GHz output frequency. Double L.O. (electronically and manually switchable 4.9 & 5.5 GHz). Incomparable low power consumption (75W max).  High power efficiency (20W min over temperature). Digital temperature compensation. Auto-ranging powering option 15-60VDC. Field-exchangeable (F/N) IF connector. Power and lock status LED. Advanced M&C interface - combined RS-232/485 + optional FSK. Internal 10MHz high stability 10-8 reference (optional)

ABD100KX / ABD100KXF Data Sheet
Data Sheet


8Watt Fanless Mini Ext Ku Band BUC

8Watt Fanless Mini Ext Ku Band BUC


10Watt Fanless Mini Ext Ku Band BUC


12Watt Fanless Mini Ext Ku Band BUC


16Watt Fanless Mini Ext Ku Band BUC


20Watt Fanless Mini Ext Ku Band BUC


Description: Output frequency 13.75-14.50 GHz. Based on GaN technology which enables high efficiency, low energy consumption and high reliability. Double - L.O. (electronically and manually switchable 12.80 and 13.05 GHz). Auto-ranging 15-60 VDC. Incomparable low power consumption (35W max)- can be powered by iDirect or similar modems. Extreme P-Out GaN linearity. Digital temperature compensation. L.O. lock and amplifier LEDs. Field-exchangeable (F/N) IF connector. M&C - combined RS-232/RS-485, FSK, Ethernet (optional). Internal 10 MHz high stability (10-8) reference (optional). RoHS compliant.

ABE8KX / ABE8KXF     Data Sheet
Data Sheet
Data Sheet
Data Sheet
Data Sheet


6Watt Extended Ku-Band Block Up Converter 

6Watt Extended Ku-Band Block Up Converter


7Watt Extended Ku-Band Block Up Converter


8Watt Extended Ku-Band Block Up Converter


10Watt Extended Ku-Band Block Up Converter


Description: Output frequency 13.75-14.50 GHz. Based on GaN technology which enables high efficiency, low energy consumption and high reliability. Double - L.O. (electronically and manually switchable 12.80 and 13.05 GHz). Auto-ranging 15-60 VDC. Incomparable low power consumption (35W max)- can be powered by iDirect or similar modems. Extreme P-Out GaN linearity. Digital temperature compensation. L.O. lock and amplifier LEDs. Field-exchangeable (F/N) IF connector. M&C - combined RS-232/RS-485, FSK, Ethernet (optional). Internal 10 MHz high stability (10-8) reference (optional). RoHS compliant.

ABA6KX / ABA6KXF           Data Sheet ABE6KXH / ABE6KXHF     Data Sheet
Data Sheet
Data Sheet
Data Sheet




8Watt-10watt-12watt-16watt-20watt Fanless Low Ku-Band BUC

6Watt Extended Ku-Band Block Up Converter


7Watt Extended Ku-Band Block Up Converter 


8Watt Extended Ku-Band Block Up Converter 


10Watt Extended Ku-Band Block Up Converter


 Description: Output frequency 13.75-14.50 GHz. Based on GaN technology which enables high efficiency, low energy consumption and high reliability. Double - L.O. (electronically and manually switchable 12.80 and 13.05 GHz). Auto-ranging 15-60 VDC. Incomparable low power consumption (35W max)- can be powered by iDirect or similar modems. Extreme P-Out GaN linearity. Digital temperature compensation. L.O. lock and amplifier LEDs. Field-exchangeable (F/N) IF connector. M&C - combined RS-232/RS-485, FSK, Ethernet (optional). Internal 10 MHz high stability (10-8) reference (optional). RoHS compliant.

ABA6KX / ABA6KXF           Data Sheet ABE6KXH / ABE6KXHF     Data Sheet
Data Sheet
Data Sheet
Data Sheet




8Watt-10watt-12watt-16watt-20watt Fanless Low Ku-Band BUC

16Watt Fanless Extended Ku-Band BUC


20Watt Extended Ku-Band Block Up Converter


25Watt Extended Ku-Band Block Up Converter 


Description: Output frequency 13.75-14.50 GHz. Based on GaN technology which enables high efficiency, low energy consumption and high reliability. Double - L.O. (electronically and manually switchable 12.80 and 13.05 GHz). Auto-ranging 15-60 VDC. Incomparable low power consumption (35W max)- can be powered by iDirect or similar modems. Extreme P-Out GaN linearity. Digital temperature compensation. L.O. lock and amplifier LEDs. Field-exchangeable (F/N) IF connector. M&C - combined RS-232/RS-485, FSK, Ethernet (optional). Internal 10 MHz high stability (10-8) reference (optional). RoHS compliant.

ABEN16KX / ABEN16KXF Data Sheet
Data Sheet
Data Sheet 


8Watt 10watt

8Watt Extended Ku-Band Block Up Converter 


10Watt Extended Ku-Band Block Up Converter 


12Watt Extended Ku-Band Block Up Converter 


Description: Output frequency 13.75-14.50 GHz. Based on GaN technology which enables high efficiency, low energy consumption and high reliability. Double - L.O. (switchable 12.80 and 13.05 GHz). Incomparable low power consumption (39W max)- can be powered by iDirect or similar modems. Extreme P-Out GaN linearity. Digital temperature compensation. L.O. lock and amplifier LEDs. Field-exchangeable (F/N) IF connector. Internal 10 MHz reference, high stability (10-8) (optional). RoHS compliant. 

ABE8KFX / ABE8KFXF     Data Sheet
Data Sheet
Data Sheet



25Watt-40Watt-50Watt Extended Ku-Band Block Up Converter 

25Watt Extended Ku-Band Block Up Converter


40Watt Extended Ku-Band Block Up Converter


50Watt Extended Ku-Band Block Up Converter


Description: Output frequency 13.75-14.50 GHz. Based on GaN technology which enables high efficiency, low energy consumption and high reliability. Double - L.O. (electronically and manually switchable 12.80 and 13.05 GHz). Auto-ranging 15-60 VDC. Incomparable low power consumption (35W max)- can be powered by iDirect or similar modems. Extreme P-Out GaN linearity. Digital temperature compensation. L.O. lock and amplifier LEDs. Field-exchangeable (F/N) IF connector. M&C - combined RS-232/RS-485, FSK, Ethernet (optional). Internal 10 MHz high stability (10-8) reference (optional). RoHS compliant.

ABD25KX / ABD25KXF Data Sheet
Data Sheet
Data Sheet

ABE25SKX / ABE25SKXF Data Sheet
Data Sheet
Data Sheet



60Watt Extended Ku-Band Block Up Converter 

40Watt Extended Ku-Band Block Up Converter 


60Watt Extended Ku-Band Block Up Converter


Description: This unit features: Output frequency 13.75-14.50 GHz. Based on GaN technology which enables high efficiency, low energy consumption and high reliability. Double - L.O. (electronically and manually switchable 12.80 and 13.05 GHz). Auto-ranging 15-60 VDC Incomparable low power consumption (35W max)- can be powered by iDirect or similar modems. Extreme P-Out GaN linearity. Digital temperature compensation. L.O. lock and amplifier LEDs. Field-exchangeable (F/N) IF connector. M&C - combined RS-232/RS-485, FSK, Ethernet (optional). Internal 10 MHz high stability (10-8) reference (optional). RoHS compliant.

ABCN40KX / ABCN40KXF Data Sheet
Data Sheet

ABDN40KX / ABDN40KXF  Data Sheet
Data Sheet



125Watt-150watt-200watt Extended Ku-Band Block Up Converter 

125Watt Extended Ku-Band Block Up Converter


150Watt Extended Ku-Band Block Up Converter


200Watt Extended Ku-Band Block Up Converter


Description: This unit features: Output frequency 13.75-14.50 GHz. Based on GaN technology which enables high efficiency, low energy consumption and high reliability. Double - L.O. (electronically and manually switchable 12.80 and 13.05 GHz). Auto-ranging 15-60 VDC. 
Incomparable low power consumption (35W max)- can be powered by iDirect or similar modems. Extreme P-Out GaN linearity. Digital temperature compensation. L.O. lock and amplifier LEDs. Field-exchangeable (F/N) IF connector. M&C - combined RS-232/RS-485, FSK, Ethernet (optional). Internal 10 MHz high stability (10-8) reference (optional). RoHS compliant.

ABD125KX / ABD125KXF  Data Sheet
Data Sheet
Data Sheet



Low Ku-Band BUC-Wikipedia

The Ku band is a portion of the electromagnetic spectrum in the microwave range of frequencies ranging from 11.7 to 12.7GHz. (downlink frequencies) and 14 to 14.5GHz (uplink frequencies) Low or extended Ku band is used from 10.7 to 12.75 GHz (LOF Low 9.750 GHz, LOF High 10.750 GHz)


2Watt-3Watt-6Watt Mini Extended Low Ku-Band BUC

2Watt Mini Extended Low Ku-Band BUC


3Watt Mini Ext. Low Ku-Band BUC


6Watt Mini Ext. Low Ku-Band BUC


Description: Output frequency 12.75-13.50 GHz. L.O. 11.80 GHz. Based on GaN technology which enables high efficiency, low energy consumption and high reliability. Smallest package size and weight. Powered through IF cable. Low power consumption (<14W). High power efficiency (2W min.). RoHS compliant.

ABA2KXL / ABA2KXLF  Data Sheet
Data Sheet
Data Sheet




4Watt-5Watt-6Watt Super Mini Extended Low Ku-Band BUC

4Watt Super Mini Extended Low Ku-Band BUC


5Watt Super Mini Ext. Low Ku-Band BUC 


6Watt Super Mini Ext. Low Ku-Band BUC


Description: Output frequency 12.75-13.50 GHz. L.O. 11.80 GHz. Based on GaN technology which enables high efficiency, low energy consumption and high reliability. Smallest package size and weight. Powered through IF cable. Industry's lowest power consumption (<22W). High power efficiency. RoHS compliant.

Data Sheet
Data Sheet





6Watt Extended Low Ku-Band Block Up Converter 


7Watt Extended Low Ku-Band Block Up Converter 


8Watt Extended Low Ku-Band Block Up Converter 


10Watt Extended Low Ku-Band Block Up Converter 


Description: Output frequency 12.75-13.50 GHz. Based on GaN technology which enables high efficiency, low energy consumption and high reliability. Double-L.O. (switchable 11.80 GHz and 12.05 GHz). Auto-ranging power 15-30 VDC. Lowest power consumption (35W max.). Extreme P-Out GaN linearity. Digital temperature compensation. L.O. lock and amplifier LEDs. Field-exchangeable (F/N) IF connector. Internal 10 MHz reference, high stability (10-8) optional. RoHS compliant.

Data Sheet
Data Sheet
Data Sheet
Data Sheet
    Data Sheet





8Watt-10watt-12watt-16watt-20watt Fanless Low Ku-Band BUC

8Watt Fanless Low Ku-Band BUC


10Watt Fanless Ext. Low Ku-Band Block Up Converter 


12Watt Fanless Low Ext. Ku-Band BUC 


Description: Output frequency 12.75-13.50 GHz. Based on GaN technology which enables high efficiency, low energy consumption and high reliability. Double - L.O. (Electronically and manually switchable 11.80 and 12.05 GHz). Fanless, smallest and lightest 8W Ku-Band unit. Extreme P-Out GaN linearity. Auto-ranging power 15-60 VDC. Incomparable low power consumption (49W) - can be powered by iDirect or similar modems. Digital temperature compensation. L.O. lock and amplifier LEDs. Field-exchangeable (F/N) IF connector. 13.00-13.50/12.75-13.50 GHz capability. M&C - combined RS-232/485/FSK (optional). Internal 10MHz high stability 10-8 reference (optional). RoHS Compliant.

ABE8KXL / ABE8KXLF     Data Sheet
Data Sheet
Data Sheet



16Watt Extended Low Ku-Band Block Up Converter 


20Watt Extended Low Ku-Band Block Up Converter 


Description: Output frequency 12.75-13.50 GHz. Smallest and lightest. Double - L.O. (electronically and manually switchable 11.80 and 12.05 GHz). Low power consumption (127W max).  Auto-ranging power 15-60 VDC. Ethernet control (optional). M&C - combined RS-232/485/FSK (optional). Digital temperature compensation. Field-exchangeable (F/N) IF connector. RoHS Compliant. L.O. lock and amplifier LEDs. Internal 10MHz high stability 10-8 reference (optional).

ABE16KXL / ABE16KXLF Data Sheet
Data Sheet 




16W Low Ku-Band Block up converter 

16Watt Low Ku-Band Block up converter 


20Watt Extended Low Ku-Band Block Up Converter 


25Watt Extended Low Ku-Band Block Up Converter 


Description: Output frequency 12.75-13.50 GHz. Smallest and lightest. Double - L.O. (electronically and manually switchable 11.80 and 12.05 GHz). Low power consumption (127W max).Auto-ranging power 15-60 VDC. Ethernet control (optional). M&C - combined RS-232/485/FSK (optional). Digital temperature compensation. Field exchangeable (F/N) IF connector. RoHS Compliant. L.O. lock and amplifier LEDs. Internal 10MHz high stability 10-8 reference (optional).

ABEN16KXL / KXLF  Data Sheet  
Data Sheet 
Data Sheet 





25Watt Extended Low Ku-Band Block Up Converter


40W Extended Low Ku Band Block Up Converter


Description: Output frequency 12.75-13.50 GHz. Smallest and lightest. Double - L.O. (electronically and manually switchable 11.80 and 12.05 GHz). Low power consumption (127W max).  Auto-ranging power 15-60 VDC. Ethernet control (optional). M&C - combined RS-232/485/FSK (optional). Digital temperature compensation. Field-exchangeable (F/N) IF connector. RoHS Compliant. L.O. lock and amplifier LEDs. Internal 10MHz high stability 10-8 reference (optional).

ABE25SKXL / KXLF    Data Sheet 
Data Sheet 
Data Sheet 




80W Extended Low Ku-Band Block Up Converter 

50W Extended Low Ku-Band Block Up Converter 


80W Extended Low Ku-Band Block Up Converter 


Description: Output frequency 12.75-13.50 GHz. Double - L.O. (electronically and manually switchable 11.80 and 12.05 GHz). Extreme P-Out GaN linearity. Auto-ranging power 36-58 VDC or 80-240 VAC power options. Low power consumption (447W max.). Digital temperature compensation. L.O. lock, Amplifier, and 10MHz Ref. detection LEDs. Digital temperature compensation. Field-exchangeable (F/N) IF connector. M&C - combined RS-232/485/ and Optional FSK. Internal 10 MHz high stability 10-8 reference (optional). Ethernet control (optional). RoHS compliant.

ABCN50KXL / KXLF  Data Sheet  
Data Sheet  
Data Sheet  





Ka-Band BUC-Wikipedia

The Ka band ("kay-ay band") covers the radio frequencies of 26.5–40 GHz, i.e. wavelengths from slightly over one centimeter down to 7.5 millimeters. The Ka band is part of the K band of the microwave band of the electromagnetic spectrum. This symbol refers to "K-above": in other words, the band directly above the K-band. The 30/20 GHz band is used in communications satellites, uplink in either the 27.5 GHz and 31 GHz bands, and high-resolution, close-range targeting radars aboard military airplanes.


6Watt Universal Ka-Band (27.5-31GHz) BUC

3Watt Universal Ka-Band (27.5-31GHz) BUC 


6Watt Universal Ka-Band (27.5-31GHz) BUC


Description: 27.5 - 31.0 GHz output frequency. Based on GaN technology which enables high efficiency, low energy consumption and high reliability. Smallest package size and weight. High power efficiency. Quad - L.O. (electronically and manually switchable 26.55, 27.4, 28.05 and 29.05 GHz). Digital temperature compensation. Field-exchangeable (F/N) IF connector. 15 - 60 VDC auto-ranging power (38W max). Power and lock status LED. Advanced M & C- combined RS-232/485 interface and optional FSK, Ethernet (optional). Internal 10MHz high stability 10-8 reference (optional).

Data Sheet





20Watt Universal Ka Band Block Up Converter

10Watt Universal Ka Band Block Up Converter


20Watt Universal Ka-Band Block Up Converter


Description: 27.5 - 31.0 GHz output frequency. Based on GaN technology which enables high efficiency, low energy consumption and high reliability. Smallest package size and weight. High power efficiency. Quad- L.O. (electronically and manually switchable 26.55, 27.4, 28.05 and 29.05 GHz). Digital temperature compensation. Field-exchangeable (F/N) IF connector. 15 - 60 VDC auto-ranging power (110W max). Power and lock status LED. Advanced M & C- combined RS-232/485 interface and optional FSK. Internal 10MHz high stability 10-8 reference (optional).

ABE10UKA / ABE10UKAF Data Sheet
Data Sheet


X-Band  BUC-Wikipedia

The X band is a segment of the microwave radio region of the electromagnetic spectrum. In some cases, such as in communication engineering, the frequency range of the X band is rather indefinitely set at approximately 7.0 to 11.2 GHz. In radar engineering, the frequency range is specified by the IEEE at 8.0 to 12.0 GHz.


5Watt X-Band Block Up Converter

5Watt X-Band Block Up Converter


Description: Output frequency 7.90 - 8.40 GHz. Local Oscillator 6.95GHz. Auto-ranging 15-28 VDC power. Incomparable low power consumption (33W max.). Utilizing GaN technology. Incomparable low phase noise. High power efficiency. Digital temperature compensation. Field-exchangeable (F/N) IF connector. Power and lock status LED. Internal 10MHz high stability 10-8 reference (optional). L.O., alarm, lock LED. RoHS compliant. Three-year warranty.

ABA5X / ABA5XF       Data Sheet
Data Sheet





10Watt X-Band Block Up Converter

10Watt X-Band Block Up Converter 


15Watt X-Band Block Up Converter 


Description: Output frequency 7.90 - 8.40 GHz. Local oscillator 6.95 GHz. Fan-less, smallest and lightest. Auto-ranging 15-60 VDC power. Incomparable low power consumption (39W max.). Utilizing GaN technology. Incomparable low phase noise. High power efficiency. Digital temperature compensation. Field-exchangeable (F/N) IF connector. Power and lock status LED. Internal 10MHz high stability 10-8 reference (optional). RoHS compliant.

ABE10X / ABE10XF        Data Sheet
  Data Sheet
ABE15X / ABE15XF       
Data Sheet




30Watt Fanless X-Band Block Up Converter

20Watt Fanless X-Band Block Up Converter


25Watt Fanless X-Band Block Up Converter


30Watt Fanless X-Band Block Up Converter


Description: 27.5 - 31.0 GHz output frequency. Based on GaN technology which enables high efficiency, low energy consumption and high reliability. Smallest package size and weight. High power efficiency. Quad - L.O. (electronically and manually switchable 26.55, 27.4, 28.05 and 29.05 GHz). Digital temperature compensation. Field-exchangeable (F/N) IF connector. 15 - 60 VDC auto-ranging power (38W max). Power and lock status LED. Advanced M & C- combined RS-232/485 interface and optional FSK, Ethernet (optional). Internal 10MHz high stability 10-8 reference (optional).

ABE20X / ABE20XF Data Sheet
Data Sheet
Data Sheet





50Watt X-Band Block Up Converter

40Watt X-Band Block Up Converter 


50Watt X-Band Block Up Converter 


Description: Smallest package size and weight. High power efficiency (50W min). L.O. frequency 6.950 GHz. Field-exchangeable (F/N) IF connector. Auto-ranging 80-240 VAC or 38-56 VDC power (239W max.). Low power consumption (240W max.). Internal 10MHz high stability 10-8 reference (optional). Power and lock status LED. Digital temperature compensation. Advanced M&C interface - combined RS-232/485 + optional FSK. RoHS compliant.

ABCN40X / ABCN40XF Data Sheet
Data Sheet
ABD50X / ABD50XF     
Data Sheet


DBS-Band BUC-Wikipedia

This new allocation will have 17.3-17.7 GHz as the downlink broadcast band, and a band at 24.75-25.25 GHz for the "feeder link" Earth-to-space band. The current DBS band, used by DirecTV and EchoStar, is 12.2-12.7 GHz for the downlinks and 17.3-17.8 GHz for the uplinks.


5Watt Fanless DBS-Band Block Up Converter

5Watt Fanless DBS-Band Block Up Converter


Description: Smallest package size and weight. High power efficiency (50W min). L.O. frequency 6.950 GHz. Field-exchangeable (F/N) IF connector. Auto-ranging 80-240 VAC or 38-56 VDC power (239W max.). Low power consumption (240W max.). Internal 10MHz high stability 10-8 reference (optional). Power and lock status LED. Digital temperature compensation. 
Advanced M&C interface - combined RS-232/485 + optional FSK. RoHS compliant.




16Watt DBS-Band Block Up Converter

16Watt DBS-Band Block Up Converter


Description: Smallest package size and weight. High power efficiency (50W min). L.O. frequency 6.950 GHz. Field-exchangeable (F/N) IF connector. Auto-ranging 80-240 VAC or 38-56 VDC power (239W max.). Low power consumption (240W max.). Internal 10MHz high stability 10-8 reference (optional). Power and lock status LED. Digital temperature compensation.Advanced M&C interface - combined RS-232/485 + optional FSK. RoHS compliant.

ABC16DBS  / ABC16DBSF Data Sheet





The Belcom team incorporates innovative design with efficient, high turnover manufacturing processes to provide top-caliber products with impressive lead times.

C-Band  BUC-Wikipedia

Nearly all C-band communication satellites use the band of frequencies from 3.7 to 4.2 GHz for their downlinks, and the band of frequencies from 5.925 to 6.425 GHz for their uplinks. Note that by using the band from 3.7 to 4.0 GHz, this C-band overlaps somewhat into the IEEE S-band for radars.


Belcom Spark Series 2Watt Wide C-Band BUC

Belcom Spark Series 2Watt Wide C-Band BUC


Spark Series 5Watt Wide C-Band BUC


Description: Belcom’s SPARK series of low power BUCs have been trusted by the world's largest VSAT companies for over 20 years and has a proven reputation for reliability Built to be robust and reliable, SPARK BUCs are rugged enough to withstand extreme outdoor conditions. Belcom’s high-level development experience and its large volume manufacturing capabilities, provide clients with unmatched cost savings. 

BLWC-2-F Data Sheet
Data Sheet









Spark Series 5Watt Standard C-Band BUC

Spark Series 2Watt Standard C-Band BUC


Spark Series 5Watt Standard C-Band BUC 


Spark Series 8Watt Standard C-Band BUC 


Description: Belcom’s SPARK series of low power BUCs have been trusted by the world's largest VSAT companies for over 20 years and has a proven reputation for reliability Built to be robust and reliable, SPARK BUCs are rugged enough to withstand extreme outdoor conditions. Belcom’s high-level development experience and its large volume manufacturing capabilities, provide clients with unmatched cost savings.

mBLC-2 Data Sheet
Data Sheet
Data Sheet
Data Sheet



Spark Series 8W Palapa C-Band BUC

Spark Series 2Watt Palapa C-Band BUC


Spark Series 3Watt Palapa C-Band BUC


Spark Series 8Watt Palapa C-Band BUC


Description: Belcom’s SPARK series of low power BUCs have been trusted by the world's largest VSAT companies for over 20 years and has a proven reputation for reliability Built to be robust and reliable, SPARK BUCs are rugged enough to withstand extreme outdoor conditions. Belcom’s high-level development experience and its large volume manufacturing capabilities, provide clients with unmatched cost savings. 

mBLPA-2 Data Sheet
Data Sheet
Data Sheet



Spark Series 8W Palapa C-Band BUC

Spark Series 2Watt Insat C-Band BUC


Spark Series 3Watt Insat C-Band BUC


Spark Series 8Watt Insat C-Band BUC


Description: Belcom’s SPARK series of low power BUCs have been trusted by the world's largest VSAT companies for over 20 years and has a proven reputation for reliability Built to be robust and reliable, SPARK BUCs are rugged enough to withstand extreme outdoor conditions. Belcom’s high-level development experience and its large volume manufacturing capabilities, provide clients with unmatched cost savings. 

mBLIN-2 Data Sheet
Data Sheet
Data Sheet


Belcom BLC-25-AC C Flame Series C-Band Standard BUC

Belcom 20 Watt Flame Series C-Band Standard BUC


Belcom 25 Watt Flame Series C-Band Standard BUC


Description: 67 dB, C Band Block Up Converter. C Band. RF frequency: 5.85 to 6.425 GHz. IF frequency: 950 to 1525MHz. LO Frequency : 4.9 GHz. Output Power: 46.99 dBm. Gain: 67 dB. Gain Flatness: ±0.2 dB. Power Consumption: 400 W. AC Voltage: 90 to 250 VAC. Grade: Commercial. Connector: N Type. Dimension: 268 x 228 x 245. Impedance: 50 Ohms. VSWR: 2.00:1. Waveguide CPR137. Weight: 11.5 kg. DC Voltage: 37 to 60 VDC. Operating Temperature: -40 to 55 Degree C. Phase Noise: 75 to 95 dBc/Hz. Spurious: -55 dBc.

BLC-20 Data Sheet
Data Sheet


Belcom 40 Watt Flame Series C-Band Standard BUC


Belcom 50 Watt Flame Series C-Band Standard BUC


Description: 67 dB, C Band Block Up Converter. C Band. RF frequency: 5.85 to 6.425 GHz. IF frequency: 950 to 1525MHz. LO Frequency : 4.9 GHz. Output Power: 46.99 dBm. Gain: 67 dB. Gain Flatness: ±0.2 dB. Power Consumption: 400 W. AC Voltage: 90 to 250 VAC. Grade: Commercial. Connector: N Type. Dimension: 268 x 228 x 245. Impedance: 50 Ohms. VSWR: 2.00:1. Waveguide CPR137. Weight: 11.5 kg. DC Voltage: 37 to 60 VDC. Operating Temperature: -40 to 55 Degree C. Phase Noise: 75 to 95 dBc/Hz. Spurious: -55 dBc.

BLC-40 Data Sheet
Data Sheet



New Japan Radio

The abbreviation LNB stands for Low Noise Block. It is the device on the front of a satellite dish that receives the very low level microwave signal from the satellite, amplifies it, changes the signals to a lower frequency band and sends them down the cable to the indoor receiver.

C-Band  BUC-Wikipedia

Nearly all C-band communication satellites use the band of frequencies from 3.7 to 4.2 GHz for their downlinks, and the band of frequencies from 5.925 to 6.425 GHz for their uplinks. Note that by using the band from 3.7 to 4.0 GHz, this C-band overlaps somewhat into the IEEE S-band for radars.



6 Watt C-Band Standard BUC

2 Watt C-Band Standard BUC


6 Watt C-Band Full BUC 


Description: High Efficiency Output Power. P1dB: +34.5 dBm min. over temperature. ACPR: -24 dBc @ Pout = +34.5 dBm. Power Consumption: 21 W. Wide band Radio Frequency Covering. Full C-band: 5.85 to 6.725 GHz. Standard C-band: 5.85 to 6.425 GHz. Smaller Size & Lighter Weight. LED Indicator Equipped. RoHS Compliance.

NJT5668 Data Sheet
Data Sheet




3 Watt C-Band Standard BUC

2 Watt C-Band Standard BUC


3 Watt C-Band Full BUC


Description: High Efficiency Output Power. P1dB: +34.5 dBm min. over temperature. ACPR: -24 dBc @ Pout = +34.5 dBm. Power Consumption: 21 W. Wide band Radio Frequency Covering. Full C-band: 5.85 to 6.725 GHz. Standard C-band: 5.85 to 6.425 GHz. Smaller Size & Lighter Weight. LED Indicator Equipped. RoHS Compliance.

NJT8102 Data Sheet
Data Sheet


8 Watt C-Band Standard BUC


10 Watt C-Band Standard BUC


Description: 6High Efficiency & Low Distortion. Standard C-band Models: P1dB: +39 dBm min. over temperature. IM3: -28 dBc @ Pout = +36 dBm. Power Consumption: 63 W. Wider Input Voltage Range: +18 to +60 VDC. AC Power Operating Option. Compact Size & Light Weight: 3.2 kg. LED Indicator Equipped. RoHS Compliance.

NJT5760 Data Sheet
NJT5762 Data Sheet





10 Watt C-Band Full BUC


10 Watt C-Band Insat BUC


Description: 6High Efficiency & Low Distortion. Standard C-band Models: P1dB: +39 dBm min. over temperature. IM3: -28 dBc @ Pout = +36 dBm. Power Consumption: 63 W. Wider Input Voltage Range: +18 to +60 VDC. AC Power Operating Option. Compact Size & Light Weight: 3.2 kg. LED Indicator Equipped. RoHS Compliance.

NJT5763 Data Sheet
NJT5764 Data Sheet


Ku-Band BUC-Wikipedia

The Ku band is a portion of the electromagnetic spectrum in the microwave range of frequencies ranging from 11.7 to 12.7GHz. (downlink frequencies) and 14 to 14.5GHz (uplink frequencies) Low or extended Ku band is used from 10.7 to 12.75 GHz (LOF Low 9.750 GHz, LOF High 10.750 GHz)



3Watt Ku-band BUC

1.5Watt Ku-band BUC


3 Watt Ku-Band Standard BUC


4 Watt Ku-Band Standard BUC


6 Watt Ku-Band Standard BUC


Description: Leading Technology Equipped. Full Ku-band Coverage Line-up:Universal Ku-band: 13.75 to 14.5 GHz. Standard Ku-band: 14.0 to 14.5 GHz. Super High Efficiency & Low Distortion: P1dB: +31 dBm min. over temperature. ACPR: -26 dBc @ Pout = +31 dBm. Power Consumption: 12 W. Smallest Size & Lightest Weight (*). Dimension: 91.55 x 68 x 42.5 mm. Weight: 350 g. RoHS Compliance.

NJT8301 Data Sheet
Data Sheet
Data Sheet 
Data Sheet




Universal 8 Watt Ku-Band Standard BUC


8 Watt Ku-Band BUC


8 Watt Ku-Band Mini BUC


Description: 6High Efficiency & Low Distortion. Standard C-baFull Ku-band Coverage Line-up: Universal Ku-band: 13.75 to 14.5 GHz. Standard Ku-band: 14.0 to 14.5 GHz. High Efficiency & Low Distortion. P1dB: +39 dBm min. over temperature IM3: -28 dBc @ Pout = +36 dBm. Power Consumption: 79 W. Wider Input Voltage Range: +18 to +60 VDC. AC Power Operating Option. Compact Size & Light Weight: 3.2 kg. LED Indicator Equipped. RoHS Compliance.

NJT5118 Data Sheet
NJT5218 Data Sheet
NJT8318 Data Sheet


See: Wave Guides See: Satellite / Parabolic Amps




20 Watt Ku-Band Mini BUC

16 Watt Ku-Band Mini BUC


 25 Watt Ku-Band Mini BUC


Description: 6High Efficiency & Low Distortion. Standard C-baFull Ku-band Coverage Line-up: Universal Ku-band: 13.75 to 14.5 GHz. Standard Ku-band: 14.0 to 14.5 GHz. High Efficiency & Low Distortion. P1dB: +39 dBm min. over temperature IM3: -28 dBc @ Pout = +36 dBm. Power Consumption: 79 W. Wider Input Voltage Range: +18 to +60 VDC. AC Power Operating Option. Compact Size & Light Weight: 3.2 kg. LED Indicator Equipped. RoHS Compliance.

NJT8319 Data Sheet
NJT8370 Data Sheet





40 Watt GaN Ku-Band Robust BUC

40 Watt GaN Ku-Band Robust BUC


Description: GaN Technology Amplifier Inside. High Efficiency Output Power. Saturation Output Power: +46.0 dBm. ACPR: -30 dBc @ Pout = +44 dBm. Power Consumption: 260 W. RF Frequency Line-up. Universal Ku-band: 13.75 to 14.5 GHz. Standard Ku-band: 14.0 to 14.5 GHz. AC Power Operating Option. Monitor & Control Line-up. FSK Communications M&C. RS-232C Interface M&C. Compact Size & Light Weight. Weight: 4.2 kg. LED Indicator Equipped.
RoHS Compliance.

NJT8371 Data Sheet


Ka-Band BUC-Wikipedia

The Ka band ("kay-ay band") covers the radio frequencies of 26.5–40 GHz, i.e. wavelengths from slightly over one centimeter down to 7.5 millimeters. The Ka band is part of the K band of the microwave band of the electromagnetic spectrum. This symbol refers to "K-above": in other words, the band directly above the K-band. The 30/20 GHz band is used in communications satellites, uplink in either the 27.5 GHz and 31 GHz bands, and high-resolution, close-range targeting radars aboard military airplanes.



O3b 5Watt Buc

O3b 5 Watt Buc


Description: RF Frequency 27.652 - 28.388 GHz with 26.600 GHz LO. 28.172 - 29.071 GHz with 27.200 GHz LO. High Efficiency Output Power. Saturation Output Power: +37 dBm (5W). ACPR: -25 dBc max. with up to +35 dBm output. Power Consumption: 88 W max. Ethernet M&C Function Equipped. Gain Control: 15 dB range, 1 dB step. Power Monitor: 12 dB dynamic range. 
Reliable All-weather Performance. RoHS Compliance.

NJT5835 Data Sheet




O3b 10Watt Buc

O3b 10 Watt Buc


Description: RF Frequency 27.652 - 28.388 GHz with 26.600 GHz LO. 28.172 - 29.071 GHz with 27.200 GHz LO. High Efficiency Output Power. Saturation Output Power: +37 dBm (5W). ACPR: -25 dBc max. with up to +35 dBm output. Power Consumption: 88 W max. Ethernet M&C Function Equipped. Gain Control: 15 dB range, 1 dB step. Power Monitor: 12 dB dynamic range. Reliable All-weather Performance. RoHS Compliance.

NJT5836 Data Sheet






Norsat Phase locked Loop (PLL) Commercial LNBs. Norsat offers a wide range of BUCs, SSPAs, LNBs, LNAs, BDCs, and microwave components that can be customized to meet your specific requirements. Down converter: A device that takes a block of frequency and converts it to a lower frequency. The lower the noise temperature, the better the performance. DRO: (Dielectric Resonator or Dielectrically Stabilized Oscillator) Highly stable oscillator circuit employed by LNBs. Ku-Band Ka-Band C-Band and X-Band-Wikipedia


C-Band  BUC-Wikipedia

Nearly all C-band communication satellites use the band of frequencies from 3.7 to 4.2 GHz for their downlinks, and the band of frequencies from 5.925 to 6.425 GHz for their uplinks. Note that by using the band from 3.7 to 4.0 GHz, this C-band overlaps somewhat into the IEEE S-band for radars.



Element Series C-BAND 10Watt

Element Series C-BAND 5Watt


Element Series C-BAND 10Watt



Description: Norsat’s Block Up Converter’s (BUCs) provide signal reception for satellite communications around the world. We offer premium performance and reliability in the smallest form factor possible. All of our standard BUCs are backed by a 2 year warranty and nearly forty years of experience as the industry’s leading provider of high performance BUCs. 

ELMTC005    Data Sheet
Data Sheet







Element Series C-BAND 40Watt

Element Series C-BAND 20Watt


Element Series C-BAND 40Watt


Description: Norsat’s Block Up Converter’s (BUCs) provide signal reception for satellite communications around the world. We offer premium performance and reliability in the smallest form factor possible. All of our standard BUCs are backed by a 2 year warranty and nearly forty years of experience as the industry’s leading provider of high performance BUCs. 

ELMTC0020  Data Sheet
Data Sheet




Ku-Band BUC-Wikipedia

The Ku band is a portion of the electromagnetic spectrum in the microwave range of frequencies ranging from 11.7 to 12.7GHz. (downlink frequencies) and 14 to 14.5GHz (uplink frequencies) Low or extended Ku band is used from 10.7 to 12.75 GHz (LOF Low 9.750 GHz, LOF High 10.750 GHz)


Element Series Ku-BAND 2Watt-3w-4w-6w-8w-10watt

Element Series Ku-BAND 2Watt


Element Series Ku-BAND 3Watt


Element Series Ku-BAND 4Watt


Element Series Ku-BAND 6Watt


Element Series Ku-BAND 8Watt


Element Series Ku-BAND 10Watt


Description: Norsat’s Block Up Converter’s (BUCs) provide signal reception for satellite communications around the world. We offer premium performance and reliability in the smallest form factor possible. All of our standard BUCs are backed by a 2 year warranty and nearly forty years of experience as the industry’s leading provider of high performance BUCs. 

ELMTKu002   Data Sheet
  Data Sheet
  Data Sheet
Data Sheet
Data Sheet
Data Sheet





Element Series Ku 8Watt Selectable Frequency

Element Series Ku 4Watt Selectable Frequency


Element Series Ku 8Watt Selectable Frequency


Description: High performance for any application. Excellent availability and short lead times. Up to 85% smaller than equivalent BUCs. Lightest available weight, at up to 90% less than competing products. Ultra efficient, consuming up to 60% less power than similar units. Ideal for applications such as Airborne, Comms on the Move, TWTA Replacement.

1041XRTS  Data Sheet
Data Sheet




MEDIAN SERIES KU-BAND 16Watt-20watt-40watt







Description: Norsat Satellite Communication solutions are renowned for their high quality, reliability, and innovation. The Ku-band MEDIAN series has been designed with both performance and economy in mind, making it ideal for VSAT applications where size, weight and power
constraints are not as stringent.

MEDIBKU016 Data Sheet
Data Sheet
Data Sheet



Atom Series Ku-BAND 25Watt


Atom Series Ku-BAND 40Watt


Atom Series Ku-BAND 50Watt


Atom Series Ku-BAND 100Watt


Atom Series Ku-BAND 200Watt


Description: The Norsat ATOM series of block upconverters (BUC) are among the smallest, lightest, and most energy efficient transmitters available. The high efficiency of ATOM reduces power consumption significantly, delivering considerable operational cost savings over the lifetime of the device.

ATOMBKU025    Data Sheet
  Data Sheet
  Data Sheet
Data Sheet
  Data Sheet



 Atom Series LOW Ku-Band 14Watt-28Watt-56watt

 Atom Series LOW Ku-Band 14Watt


Atom Series LOW Ku-Band 28Watt


Atom Series LOW Ku-Band 56Watt


Description: The Norsat ATOM series of block upconverters (BUC) are among the smallest, lightest, and most energy efficient transmitters available. The high efficiency of ATOM reduces power consumption significantly, delivering considerable operational cost savings over the lifetime of the device. 

ATOMBKU014BCE Data Sheet
Data Sheet
Data Sheet



Atom Series SSPA KU-BAND 25Watt-40watt-50watt-100watt

Atom Series SSPA KU-BAND 25Watt


Atom Series SSPA KU-BAND 40Watt


Atom Series SSPA KU-BAND 50Watt


Atom Series SSPA KU-BAND 100Watt


Description: The Norsat ATOM series of solid state power amplifiers (SSPA) are among the smallest, lightest, and most energy efficient transmitters available. The high efficiency of ATOM reduces power consumption significantly, delivering considerable operational cost savings over the lifetime of the device. Compared to equivalent products, ATOM series SSPAs are: Up to 68% smaller and lighter. Up to 60% more power efficient. More flexible with RF and configuration options.

ATOMSKU025   Data Sheet
Data Sheet
Data Sheet
Data Sheet 




Ka-Band BUC-Wikipedia

The Ka band ("kay-ay band") covers the radio frequencies of 26.5–40 GHz, i.e. wavelengths from slightly over one centimeter down to 7.5 millimeters. The Ka band is part of the K band of the microwave band of the electromagnetic spectrum. This symbol refers to "K-above": in other words, the band directly above the K-band. The 30/20 GHz band is used in communications satellites, uplink in either the 27.5 GHz and 31 GHz bands, and high-resolution, close-range targeting radars aboard military airplanes.







Description: The Norsat ATOM series of block upconverters (BUC) are among the smallest, lightest, and most energy efficient transmitters available. The high efficiency of ATOM reduces power consumption significantly, delivering considerable operational cost savings over the lifetime of the device. 

ATOMBKA025 Data Sheet
Data Sheet
Data Sheet 












Description: Norsat’s Block Up Converter’s (BUCs) provide signal reception for satellite communications around the world. We offer premium performance and reliability in the smallest form factor possible. All of our standard Ka BUCs are backed by a 2 year warranty and nearly forty years of experience as the industry’s leading provider of high performance BUCs.

7005STC-O3bKa5W   Data Sheet
Data Sheet
Data Sheet




X-Band BUC-Wikipedia

The X band is a segment of the microwave radio region of the electromagnetic spectrum. In some cases, such as in communication engineering, the frequency range of the X band is rather indefinitely set at approximately 7.0 to 11.2 GHz. In radar engineering, the frequency range is specified by the IEEE at 8.0 to 12.0 GHz.



 X-BAND GaN Power Amplifier 10Watt

 X-BAND GaN Power Amplifier 10Watt


Description: Norsat’s Block Up Converter’s (BUCs) provide signal reception for satellite communications around the world. We offer premium performance and reliability in the smallest form factor possible. All of our standard BUCs are backed by a 2 year warranty and nearly forty years of experience as the industry’s leading provider of high performance BUCs.

5010xrt-3 Data Sheet





Throughout our history, the Agilis team has worked on many of the industry’s most advanced gas turbine engines. We’ve helped streamline designs, test performance and ensure reliability for the most sophisticated engine technology in operation today.

C-Band  BUC-Wikipedia

Nearly all C-band communication satellites use the band of frequencies from 3.7 to 4.2 GHz for their downlinks, and the band of frequencies from 5.925 to 6.425 GHz for their uplinks. Note that by using the band from 3.7 to 4.0 GHz, this C-band overlaps somewhat into the IEEE S-band for radars.



2Watt C-Band Outdoor BUC


5Watt C-Band Outdoor BUC


10Watt C-Band Outdoor BUC


Description: Agilis ALB180 K-Series C-Band BUC (Block-up Converter) is a highly cost effective outdoor RF transmitter for satellite communication. The BUC has very high output power linearity and works well from -40şC up to 60şC. The BUC also has a wide input voltage range which allows it to work from 18V to 60V
for 5W and 10W model. Available in Palapa, Insat and Full C-Band.

ALB 180-K_2W   Data Sheet
ALB 180-K_5W 
  Data Sheet
ALB 180-K_10W
Data Sheet



20Watt-25WATT-40WATT-50WATT C-Band Compact BUC

20Watt C-Band Compact BUC


25Watt C-Band Compact BUC


40Watt C-Band Compact BUC


50Watt C-Band Compact BUC


Description: This small and lightweight BUC is ideal for mobile and satellite uplink applications. Designed to be mounted on the feed horn, the BUC has excellent efficiency. The unit works on a wide range DC power supply of 38V to 60V. The BUC is able to work up to 60şC. Innovative and efficient thermal design makes this BUC one of the smallest, lightest and most reliable in the industry.  Available in Palapa, Insat and Full C-Band.

ALB190_20W Data Sheet
Data Sheet
Data Sheet
Data Sheet


60Watt C-Band Compact BUC


Description: This small and light weight BUC is ideal for mobile and satellite uplink applications. Designed to be mounted on the feed horn, the BUC has excellent efficiency and consumes less than 250W for 50W C-Band BUC. The unit works on a wide range DC power supply of 38V to 60V. The BUC is able to work up to 60°C. Innovative and efficient thermal design makes this BUC one of the smallest, lightest and most reliable in the industry. With redundancy-ready feature, the unit can be easily configured to work in 1:1 redundant mode.  Available in Palapa, Insat and Full C-Band.

ALB290_60W Data Sheet




Ku-Band BUC-Wikipedia

The Ku band is a portion of the electromagnetic spectrum in the microwave range of frequencies ranging from 11.7 to 12.7GHz. (downlink frequencies) and 14 to 14.5GHz (uplink frequencies) Low or extended Ku band is used from 10.7 to 12.75 GHz (LOF Low 9.750 GHz, LOF High 10.750 GHz)



Standard 4Watt6-WATT-8WATT Ku-Band BUC

Standard 4Watt Ku-Band BUC


Standard 6Watt Ku-Band BUC


Standard 8watt Ku-Band BUC


Description: ALB128 Series Ku-Band BUC (Block-Up Converter) is a highly cost-effective RF outdoor transmitter for satellite communication. The BUC has very high output power linearity and works well from -40şC up to 60şC. The BUC also has a wide input voltage range which allows it to work from 18V to 60V. C-Band.

ALB128 4w   Data Sheet
ALB128 6w 
  Data Sheet
ALB128 8w  
Data Sheet
ALB128 80w
Data Sheet





1watt-2-watt-3watt-4watt Palm Size Ku-Band BUC

1Watt Palm Size Ku-Band BUC


2Watt Palm Size Ku-Band BUC


3Watt Palm Size Ku-Band BUC


4Watt Palm Size Ku-Band BUC 


Description: This small and light weight BUC is ideal for mobile and satellite uplink applications. Designed to be mounted on the feed horn, the BUC has excellent efficiency and consumes less than 250W for 50W C-Band BUC. The unit works on a wide range DC power supply of 38V to 60V. The BUC is able to work up to 60°C. Innovative and efficient thermal design makes this BUC one of the smallest, lightest and most reliable in the industry. With redundancy-ready feature, the unit can be easily configured to work in 1:1 redundant mode.  Available in Palapa, Insat and Full C-Band.

ALB129 1w Data Sheet
ALB129 2w
Data Sheet
ALB129 3w
Data Sheet
ALB129 4w
Data Sheet



16Watt-20watt-25watt Standard Ku-Band BUC

16Watt Standard Ku-Band BUC


20Watt Standard Ku-Band BUC


25Watt Standard Ku-Band BUC


Description: This small and light weight BUC is ideal for SOTM applications. Designed to be mounted on the feed horn, the BUC has excellent efficiency and consumes less than 150W. The unit works on a wide range dc power supply of 38V to 60V. Innovative and efficient thermal design makes this BUC one of the smallest in the industry. The unit can be configured to work in 1:1 redundant mode by adding on a simple redundancy option to the basic unit.

ALB129 16w   Data Sheet
ALB129 20w 
  Data Sheet
ALB129 25w  
Data Sheet



Lite Series 8Watt-12watt-16watt Extended Ku-Band BUC Type N

Lite Series 8Watt Extended Ku-Band BUC Type N 


Lite Series 12Watt Extended Ku-Band BUC Type N


Lite Series 16Watt Extended Ku-Band BUC Type N


Description: The small and lightweight Agilis ALB130 BUC is ideal for SOTM applications and also benefits fixed and maritime applications. Designed to be mounted on the feed horn, the BUC has “Best in Class” efficiency and “lowest power consumption”. The unit works on a wide range DC power supply of 38V to 60V. Innovative and efficient thermal design makes this BUC one of the smallest, robust, reliable and rugged enough to withstand outdoor conditions in the industry.

ALB130 8w   Data Sheet
ALB130 12w 
  Data Sheet
ALB130 16w  
Data Sheet



Compact 40Watt Ku-Band BUC


80Watt Ku-Band BUC


100Watt Ku-Band BUC


Description: Designed to be mounted on the feed horn, the BUC has “Best in Class” efficiency and “Lowest power consumption”. The unit works on a wide range DC power supply of 96VAC to 264VAC. Innovative and efficient thermal design makes this BUC on of the smallest, robust, reliable and rugged enough to withstand outdoor conditions in the industry. Built-in redundancy feature eliminates the use of an external controller for 1:1 redundancy operation. This eliminates messy cabling at the antenna making this a very elegant solution.

ALB229 40w   Data Sheet
ALB229 80w 
  Data Sheet
ALB229 100w
Data Sheet






Compact 150Watt / 200Watt Ku-Band BUC

Compact 150Watt / 200Watt Ku-Band BUC


Compact 250Watt Ku-Band BUC


Description: This small and light weight BUC is ideal for SOTM applications while also offering benefits for fixed and maritime applications. Designed to be mounted on the feed horn, the BUC has “Best in Class” efficiency and “Lowest power consumption” less than 330W. The unit works on a wide range DC power supply of 38V to 60V. Innovative and efficient thermal design makes this BUC on of the smallest, robust, reliable and rugged enough to withstand outdoor conditions in the industry. The unit can be configured to work in 1:1 redundant mode by adding on a simple redundancy option to the basic unit.

ALB229 150w / 200w  Data Sheet
ALB229 250w 
Data Sheet





X-Band BUC-Wikipedia

The X band is a segment of the microwave radio region of the electromagnetic spectrum. In some cases, such as in communication engineering, the frequency range of the X band is rather indefinitely set at approximately 7.0 to 11.2 GHz. In radar engineering, the frequency range is specified by the IEEE at 8.0 to 12.0 GHz.


Compact 25W X-Band Block Upconverter

Compact 25W X-Band Block Upconverter 


Description: Agilis ALB 150 Compact 25W X-Band Block Upconverter. Output Frequency 7.90 to 8.40 GHz, IF Frequency 950 - 1450 MHz, LO Frequency 6.95 GHz, M&C via RS485 & Ethernet, 10 MHz External Ref multiplexed onto DC, Input Interface Type N female, Output Interface CPR-112G. (ALB150A0E44NAAA)

ALB150 25w   Data Sheet



20Watt X-Band VSAT Outdoor Block Upconverter

20Watt X-Band VSAT Outdoor Block Upconverter 


Description: Compact and light weight. Feed mountable. Wide operating Temperature range -40 to +60°C. Wide input DC Voltage range 38V to 60V. Standard remote monitor & control through RS485, optional Ethernet (SNMP & HTTP). Excellent Linearity. Extremely Reliable. High power efficiency. Available for all X-Band frequency ranges. Excellent phase noise characteristics. Low spurious. Forward power detection facility. Automatic fault identification & alarm generation. Automatic Temperature compensation feature. Redundancy ready. RoHS compliant. Waterproof with IP65 standard. LED indicator for BUe status.

ALB150 20w   Data Sheet





Founded in 1983, Advantech is a leader in providing trusted innovative embedded and automation products and solutions. Advantech offers comprehensive system integration, hardware, software, customer-centric design services, and global logistics support; all backed by industry-leading front and back office e-business solutions. 

C-Band SSPB-Wikipedia

Nearly all C-band communication satellites use the band of frequencies from 3.7 to 4.2 GHz for their downlinks, and the band of frequencies from 5.925 to 6.425 GHz for their uplinks. Note that by using the band from 3.7 to 4.0 GHz, this C-band overlaps somewhat into the IEEE S-band for radars.


SSPBg-210C Series 50Watt C-Band BUC


TT Series 80Watt C-Band SSPB


Description: The Advantech SSPBg-210C Series 50W or 80W C-Band Second Generation GaN BUC is a hub-mount up-converter transmitter, using GaN Technology, operating in the C-Band. The Advantech SSPBg-210C Series 50W C-Band Second Generation GaN BUC is an integrated unit, complete with power supply, phase-locked oscillator, mixer, filter and cooling mechanism. Intended for outdoor operation, the SSPBg-210C provides the utmost in convenience and efficiency. Other SSPBs are also available for higher powers or for operation at other up-link frequencies.

SSPBg-210C 50W   Data Sheet
SSPBg-210C 80W  
Data Sheet





SapphireBlu Super Compact TT Series Hubmount 600W C-Band SSPB

SapphireBlu Super Compact TT Series Hubmount 400Watt C-Band SSPB


SapphireBlu Super Compact TT Series Hubmount 600Watt C-Band SSPB /SSPA


Description: Output power of 400W or 600W in a compact single package. Very High linearity. Redundant ready with no external controller. Full M&C capability via RS232, RS485 or Ethernet port. Built-in Forward precision powering metering. Output RF calibrated Sample Port Redundant Systems shipped fully tested. Infinite VSWR protection with automatic high reflected power shutdown. Detachable power supply module. Weatherproof construction CE marking.

SapBlue 400W   Data Sheet
SapBlue 600W  
Data Sheet



Super Compact TT Series Hubmount 250Watt C-Band SSPB (BUC) GaN Amplifier

Super Compact TT Series Hubmount 150Watt C-Band SSPB (BUC) GaN Amplifier


Super Compact TT Series Hubmount 200Watt C-Band SSPB (BUC) GaN Amplifier


Super Compact TT Series Hubmount 250Watt C-Band SSPB (BUC) GaN Amplifier


Description: The new Advantech Super Compact TT Series Hubmount 150W C-Band SSPA GaN Amplifier provides highest power density in the industry. Combined with the traditional Advantech Wireless’ features, these new series of BUCs provide the ultimate in performance, reliability, and convenience.

TT-Hubmount 150w Data Sheet
TT-Hubmount 200w
Data Sheet
TT-Hubmount 250w
Data Sheet



5000C Series Hubmount 500W C-Band SSPB

5000C Series Hubmount 500W C-Band SSPB 


5000C Series Hubmount 600W C-Band SSPB


5000C Series Hubmount 700W C-Band SSPB


5000C Series Hubmount 800W C-Band SSPB


 5000C Series Hubmount 1000W C-Band SSPB


Description: The SSPB -5000CTM series are hub-mount up-converter transmitter s, operating in the C-Band. The SSPB-5000CTM is an integrated unit, complete with power supply, phase-locked oscillator, mixer, filter and cooling mechanism. Intended for outdoor operation, the SSPB-5000CTM are weatherproof and provide t he utmost in convenience and efficiency. Other SSPB’s are also available for diverse powers or for operation at other up-link frequencies. 

5000c-Hubmount 500w   Data Sheet
5000c-Hubmount 600w  
Data Sheet
5000c-Hubmount 700w  
Data Sheet
5000c-Hubmount 800w  
Data Sheet
5000c-Hubmount 1000w
Data Sheet




Ku-Band SSPB-Wikipedia

The Ku band is a portion of the electromagnetic spectrum in the microwave range of frequencies ranging from 11.7 to 12.7GHz. (downlink frequencies) and 14 to 14.5GHz (uplink frequencies) Low or extended Ku band is used from 10.7 to 12.75 GHz (LOF Low 9.750 GHz, LOF High 10.750 GHz)



2125G Series 80Watt Ku-Band GaN Based SSPB

2125G Series 80Watt Ku-Band GaN Based SSPB


2125G Series 100Watt Ku-Band GaN Based SSPB


2125G Series 125Watt Ku-Band SSPB


2125G Series 150Watt Ku-Band GaN Based SSPB


Description: Based on GaN technology the new Advantech 2125G Series Ku-Band GaN Based SSPB provides high power density in a compact size. Combined with the traditional Advantech features, these new series of BUCs provide the ultimate in performance and convenience. The products in the new G-Series Ku-Band BUCs are available as SSPA or SSPB (BUC). The product described in this bulletin is for an 80W to 150W BUC.

2125G 80W    Data Sheet
2125G 100W 
Data Sheet
2125G 125W 
Data Sheet
2125G 150W 
Data Sheet





SapphireBlu Hubmount 200W Ku-Band Second Generation GaN SSPB

SapphireBlu Hubmount 200Watt Ku-Band Second Generation GaN SSPB 


SapphireBlu Hubmount 250Watt Ku-Band Second Generation GaN SSPB


SapphireBlu Hubmount 400Watt Ku-Band SSPB


Description: Based on GaN technology the new G-Series Ku-Band BUCs provide highest possible power density and smallest size on the market. Combined with the traditional Advantech Wireless features, these new series of BUCs and SSPAs provide the ultimate in performance and convenience.

SapBlu200W Data Sheet
Data Sheet
Data Sheet


2200-G Series 20Watt-25watt-30watt-40watt-50watt Ku-Band GaN Based SSPB

2200-G Series 20Watt Ku-Band GaN Based SSPB 


2200-G Series 25Watt Ku-Band SSPB


2200-G Series 40Watt Ku-Band SSPB


2200-G Series 50Watt Ku-Band GaN Based SSPB


2200-G Series 60Watt Ku-Band GaN Based SSPB


Description: Based on GaN technology the new Advantech SSPBMg-K 2200-G Series Ku-Band GaN Based SSPB provides high power density in a compact size. Combined with the traditional Advantech features, these new series of BUCs provide the ultimate in performance and convenience. The products in the new G-Series Ku-Band BUCs are available as SSPA or SSPB (BUC). The first products available in the new G-Series are for 16W to 200W.

2200-G 20W Data Sheet
2200-G 25W
Data Sheet
2200-G 40W
Data Sheet
2200-G 50W
Data Sheet
2200-G 60W
Data Sheet




X-Band SSPB-Wikipedia

The X band is a segment of the microwave radio region of the electromagnetic spectrum. In some cases, such as in communication engineering, the frequency range of the X band is rather indefinitely set at approximately 7.0 to 11.2 GHz. In radar engineering, the frequency range is specified by the IEEE at 8.0 to 12.0 GHz.



SSPBg-210X Series 16watt- 20watt- 25watt

SSPBg-210X Series GaN Based 16Watt X-Band BUC 


SSPBg-210X Series GaN Based 20Watt X-Band BUC


SSPBg-210X Series GaN Based 25Watt X-Band BUC


Description: The Advantech SSPBg-210X Series GaN Based X-Band BUC is a hub-mount up-converter transmitter, using GaN Technology, operating in the X-Band. The Advantech SSPBg-210X Series GaN Based 16W X-Band BUC is an integrated unit, complete with power supply, phase-locked oscillator, mixer, filter and cooling mechanism. Intended for outdoor operation, the Advantech SSPBg-210X Series GaN Based 16W X-Band BUC provides the utmost in convenience and efficiency. Other SSPBs are also available for higher powers or for operation at other up-link frequencies.

SSPBg-210X 16w  Data Sheet
SSPBg-210X 20w 
Data Sheet
SSPBg-210X 25w 
Data Sheet




2200-G Series SapphireBlu 300Watt- 400Watt X-Band SSPB

2200-G Series SapphireBlu 300Watt X-Band SSPB 


2200-G Series SapphireBlu 400Watt X-Band SSPB


Description: Based on GaN technology the new Advantech 2200-G Series SapphireBlu X-Band SSPB provide high power density in a compact size. Combined with the traditional Advantech Wireless features, these new series of BUCs provide the ultimate in performance and convenience. The products in the new G-Series X-Band BUCs are available as SSPA or SSPB (BUC).

2200-G 300w Data Sheet
2200-G 400w
Data Sheet



2200-G Series 150Watt-200watt-250watt X-Band GaN SSPB

2200-G Series 150Watt X-Band GaN SSPB 


2200-G Series 200Watt X-Band GaN SSPB


2200-G Series 250Watt X-Band GaN SSPB


Description: Based on GaN technology the new Advantech SSPBM-X 2200-G Series X-Band GaN SSPB provides high power density in a compact size. Combined with the traditional Advantech Wireless features, these new series of BUCs provide the ultimate in performance and convenience. The products in the new G-Series X-Band BUCs are available as SSPA or SSPB (BUC). The first products available in the new G-Series are 150W, 200W and 250W. 

SSPBM-X 150w  Data Sheet
SSPBM-X 200w 
Data Sheet
SSPBM-X 250w 
Data Sheet




Super Compact TT Series 80Wat-100watt-150watt X-Band GaN SSPB

Super Compact TT Series 80Watt X-Band GaN SSPB 


Super Compact TT Series 100Watt X-Band GaN SSPB


Super Compact TT Series 125Watt X-Band GaN SSPB


Description: The new Advantech Super Compact TT Series X-Band GaN SSPB provides the highest power density in the industry. Combined with the traditional Advantech Wireless’ features, these new series of BUCs provide the ultimate in performance, reliability, and convenience. Full range of output power of 80W to 125W in a compact single package. Build-In High Power Circulator and Dummy Load. High linearity. Full M&C capability via RS485 or Ethernet port. Built-in Forward precision powering metering. Output RF calibrated Sample Port. Redundant Systems shipped fully tested. Detachable power supply module. Weatherproof construction. CE marking.

SCTT 80w   Data Sheet
SCTT 100w
Data Sheet
SCTT 125w
Data Sheet


Teledyne Paradise Datacom-Wikipedia

Teledyne Paradise Datacom, a Teledyne Technologies company, designs, manufactures and sells satellite modems, solid state power amplifiers (SSPA), low noise amplifiers (LNA), block up converters (BUC) and associated redundancy subsystems. We deliver satellite communications products around the world.

C-Band SSPA-Wikipedia

Nearly all C-band communication satellites use the band of frequencies from 3.7 to 4.2 GHz for their downlinks, and the band of frequencies from 5.925 to 6.425 GHz for their uplinks. Note that by using the band from 3.7 to 4.0 GHz, this C-band overlaps somewhat into the IEEE S-band for radars.

SSPA- Solid State Power Amplifiers (SSPAs) and Block Upconverters (BUCs)  Ku-Band Indoor - Ku-Band Outdoor - C-Band Indoor - C-Band Outdoor - X-Band Outdoor - Ka-Band Outdoor


C-Band 3RU Rackmount SSPA

50Watt C-Band 3RU Rackmount SSPA 


75Watt C-Band 3RU Rackmount SSPA


100Watt C-Band 3RU Rackmount SSPA


140Watt C-Band 3RU Rackmount SSPA


200Watt C-Band 3RU Rackmount SSPA


250Watt C-Band 3RU Rackmount SSPA


300Watt C-Band 3RU Rackmount SSPA


Description: Teledyne Paradise Datacom’s Indoor, Compact Rack Mount (CRM) series Solid State Power Amplifiers represent the latest in High Power Microwave Amplifier Technology. The SSPA chassis achieves the highest power density in the industry along with enhanced maintainability. The power supply, fan trays and controller card connector plate are all removable for easy maintenance. At 24” deep, and only 3RU high, this chassis is perfect for SNG applications, or other configurations where rack space is at a premium.

C-Band3RU Data Sheet





C-Band 3RU Rack Height GaN SSPA

 50Watt C-Band 3RU Rack Height GaN SSPA 


100Watt C-Band 3RU Rack Height GaN SSPA 


150Watt C-Band 3RU Rack Height GaN SSPA 


200Watt C-Band 3RU Rack Height GaN SSPA 


300Watt C-Band 3RU Rack Height GaN SSPA 


400Watt C-Band 3RU Rack Height GaN SSPA 


650Watt C-Band 3RU Rack Height GaN SSPA 


800Watt C-Band 3RU Rack Height GaN SSPA 


Description: Teledyne Paradise Datacom has a rich history in the design and production of Gallium Nitride (GaN) based SSPAs. Our engineers utilize innovative linearization techniques that enable GaN amplifiers to produce linear output power with the same efficiency as tube based amplifier systems. A complete family of Satcom amplifiers has been developed that cover S-Band through Ku-Band.

GaNSSPA 50w   Data Sheet
GaNSSPA 100w
Data Sheet
GaNSSPA 150w
Data Sheet
GaNSSPA 200w
Data Sheet
GaNSSPA 300w
Data Sheet
GaNSSPA 400w
Data Sheet
GaNSSPA 650w
Data Sheet
GaNSSPA 800w
Data Sheet



C-Band Outdoor GaAs SSPA

400W C-Band Outdoor GaAs SSPA


500W C-Band Outdoor GaAs SSPA


600W C-Band Outdoor GaAs SSPA


Description: Teledyne Paradise Datacom’s newly packaged High Power Outdoor (H) series of Solid State Power Amplifiers represent the latest in High Power Microwave Amplifier Technology. The SSPA package achieves the highest power density in the industry, along with enhanced maintainability. A state-of-the-art thermal platform provides efficient cooling for the amplifier module and power supplies. This ensures the highest possible MTBFs for microwave power amplifiers.

C-BandGaAs Data Sheet



C-Band 3RU Rackmount SSPA

50W C-Band 3RU Rack Height GaN SSPA 


200Watt Extended C-Band 3RU Rackmount SSPA 


250Watt Extended C-Band 3RU Rackmount SSPA


Description: Teledyne Paradise Datacom’s Indoor, Compact Rack Mount (CRM) series Solid State Power Amplifiers represent the latest in High Power Microwave Amplifier Technology. The SSPA chassis achieves the highest power density in the industry along with enhanced maintainability. The power supply, fan trays and controller card connector plate are all removable for easy maintenance. At 24” deep, and only 3RU high, this chassis is perfect for SNG applications, or other configurations where rack space is at a premium.

C-Band3RU Data Sheet




C-Band Outdoor GaAs SSPA

650Watt C-Band Outdoor GaN SSPA 


Description: Teledyne Paradise Datacom’s newly packaged High Power Outdoor (H) series of Solid State Power Amplifiers represent the latest in High Power Microwave Amplifier Technology. The SSPA package achieves the highest power density in the industry, along with enhanced maintainability. A state-of-the-art thermal platform provides efficient cooling for the amplifier module and power supplies. This ensures the highest possible MTBFs for microwave power amplifiers.

GaN SSPA Data Sheet




C-Band Outdoor GaAs SSPA

800W C-Band Outdoor GaN SSPA


Description: Teledyne Paradise Datacom’s newly packaged High Power Outdoor (H) series of Solid State Power Amplifiers represent the latest in High Power Microwave Amplifier Technology. The SSPA package achieves the highest power density in the industry, along with enhanced maintainability. A state-of-the-art thermal platform provides efficient cooling for the amplifier module and power supplies. This ensures the highest possible MTBFs for microwave power amplifiers.

GaN SSPA Data Sheet


Ku-Band SSPA-Wikipedia

The Ku band is a portion of the electromagnetic spectrum in the microwave range of frequencies ranging from 11.7 to 12.7GHz. (downlink frequencies) and 14 to 14.5GHz (uplink frequencies) Low or extended Ku band is used from 10.7 to 12.75 GHz (LOF Low 9.750 GHz, LOF High 10.750 GHz)


Ku-Band 3RU Rackmount SSPA

35Watt Ku-Band 3RU Rackmount SSPA  


40Watt Ku-Band 3RU Rackmount SSPA 


70Watt Ku-Band 3RU Rackmount SSPA


100Watt Ku-Band 3RU Rackmount SSPA


125Watt Ku-Band 3RU Rackmount SSPA 


Description: Teledyne Paradise Datacom’s Indoor, Compact Rack Mount (CRM) series Solid State Power Amplifiers represent the latest in High Power Microwave Amplifier Technology. The SSPA chassis achieves the highest power density in the industry along with enhanced maintainability. The power supply, fan trays and controller card connector plate are all removable for easy maintenance. At 24” deep, and only 3RU high, this chassis is perfect for SNG applications, or other configurations where rack space is at a premium.

3RU SSPA 35w   Data Sheet
3RU SSPA 40w  
Data Sheet
3RU SSPA 70w  
Data Sheet
3RU SSPA 100w
Data Sheet
3RU SSPA 125w
Data Sheet




Ku-Band 3RU Rack Height GaN SSPA

40Watt Ku-Band 3RU Rack Height GaN SSPA 


50Watt Ku-Band 3RU Rack Height GaN SSPA


80Watt Ku-Band 3RU Rack Height GaN SSPA


100Watt Ku-Band 3RU Rack Height GaN SSPA


150Watt Ku-Band 3RU Rack Height GaN SSPA


200Watt Ku-Band 3RU Rack Height GaN SSPA


250Watt Ku-Band 3RU Rack Height GaN SSPA 


300Watt Ku-Band 3RU Rack Height GaN SSPA


400Watt Ku-Band 3RU Rack Height GaN SSPA


500Watt Ku-Band 3RU Rack Height GaN SSPA


Description: Teledyne Paradise Datacom has a rich history in the design and production of Gallium Nitride (GaN) based SSPAs. Our engineers utilize innovative linearization techniques that enable GaN amplifiers to produce linear output power with the same efficiency as tube based amplifier systems. A complete family of Satcom amplifiers has been developed that cover S-Band through Ku-Band.

3RU GaN SSPA 40w   Data Sheet
3RU GaN SSPA 80w  
Data Sheet
3RU GaN SSPA 100w
Data Sheet
3RU GaN SSPA 150w
Data Sheet
3RU GaN SSPA 200w
Data Sheet
3RU GaN SSPA 250w
Data Sheet
3RU GaN SSPA 300w
Data Sheet
3RU GaN SSPA 400w
Data Sheet
3RU GaN SSPA 500w
Data Sheet



See: UHF/VHF - CATV - RF See: Splitter / Dividers




500Watt Ku-Band Outdoor GaN SSPA

300Watt Ku-Band Outdoor GaN SSPA 


400Watt Ku-Band Outdoor GaN SSPA


500Watt Ku-Band Outdoor GaN SSPA


Description: Teledyne Paradise Datacom’s newly packaged High Power Outdoor (H) series of Solid State Power Amplifiers is packaged with the latest Gallium Nitride, GaN, based SSPA modules. Utilizing the latest in linearized GaN amplifier module technology, the High Power Outdoor enclosure can achieve the highest power densities in the industry. By utilizing an all GaN semiconductor design along with proprietary linearization techniques, the High Power Outdoor amplifier simultaneously provides excellent linear output power along with industry leading efficiency.

GaN SSPA 300w   Data Sheet
GaN SSPA 400w  
Data Sheet
GaN SSPA 500w  
Data Sheet





250Watt Ku-Band Outdoor GaAs SSPA

200Watt Ku-Band Outdoor GaAs SSPA 


250Watt Ku-Band Outdoor GaAs SSPA  call


Description: Teledyne Paradise Datacom’s Indoor, Compact Rack Mount (CRM) series Solid State Power Amplifiers represent the latest in High Power Microwave Amplifier Technology. The SSPA chassis achieves the highest power density in the industry along with enhanced maintainability. The power supply, fan trays and controller card connector plate are all removable for easy maintenance. At 24” deep, and only 3RU high, this chassis is perfect for SNG applications, or other configurations where rack space is at a premium.

GaAs SSPA 200w   Data Sheet
GaAs SSPA 250w  
Data Sheet


Ka-Band SSPA-Wikipedia

The Ka band ("kay-ay band") covers the radio frequencies of 26.5–40 GHz, i.e. wavelengths from slightly over one centimeter down to 7.5 millimeters. The Ka band is part of the K band of the microwave band of the electromagnetic spectrum. This symbol refers to "K-above": in other words, the band directly above the K-band. The 30/20 GHz band is used in communications satellites, uplink in either the 27.5 GHz and 31 GHz bands, and high-resolution, close-range targeting radars aboard military airplanes.



Compact Outdoor 40Watt Ka-Band SSPA

Compact Outdoor 20Watt Ka-Band SSPA


Compact Outdoor 40Watt Ka-Band SSPA 


Description: The Teledyne Paradise Datacom Compact Outdoor Solid State Power Amplifier (SSPA) is built for extreme environmental conditions and high reliability operation. Along with the robust construction exists the highest power density in the industry. This allows solid state technology to be used in applications that have long been reserved for TWTAs.This Ka-Band SSPA weighs in at less than 44 lbs. (20.0 kg), and is only slightly larger than a shoe box.

SSPA 20w   Data Sheet
SSPA 40w  
Data Sheet




Compact Outdoor 80Watt-100watt-180watt Ka-Band GaN SSPA

Compact Outdoor 80Watt Ka-Band GaN SSPA 


Compact Outdoor 100Watt Ka-Band GaN SSPA


Compact Outdoor 180Watt Ka-Band GaN SSPA


Description: The Teledyne Paradise Datacom Compact Outdoor Solid State Power Amplifier (SSPA) is built for extreme environmental conditions and high reliability operation. Along with the robust construction exists the highest power density in the industry. This allows solid state technology to be used in applications that have long been reserved for TWTAs. Available as a broadband SSPA or SSPB covering 1 GHz wide frequency sub-bands.

GaN SSPA 80w   Data Sheet
GaN SSPA 100w
Data Sheet
GaN SSPA 180w
Data Sheet



X-Band  SSPA-Wikipedia

The X band is a segment of the microwave radio region of the electromagnetic spectrum. In some cases, such as in communication engineering, the frequency range of the X band is rather indefinitely set at approximately 7.0 to 11.2 GHz. In radar engineering, the frequency range is specified by the IEEE at 8.0 to 12.0 GHz.



800Watt X-Band 3RU Rack Height GaN SSPA

300Watt X-Band 3RU Rack Height GaN SSPA


400Watt X-Band 3RU Rack Height GaN SSPA 


650Watt X-Band 3RU Rack Height GaN SSPA


800Watt X-Band 3RU Rack Height GaN SSPA


Description: Teledyne Paradise Datacom has a rich history in the design and production of Gallium Nitride (GaN) based SSPAs. Our engineers utilize innovative linearization techniques that enable GaN amplifiers to produce linear output power with the same efficiency as tube based amplifier systems. A complete family of Satcom amplifiers has been developed that cover S-Band through Ku-Band.

GaN SSPA 300w  Data Sheet
GaN SSPA 400w 
Data Sheet
GaN SSPA 650w 
Data Sheet
GaN SSPA 800w 
Data Sheet






800Watt X-Band Outdoor GaN SSPA

350Watt X-Band Outdoor GaAs SSPA


500Watt X-Band Outdoor GaAs SSPA


 650Watt X-Band Outdoor GaN SSPA


800Watt X-Band Outdoor GaN SSPA 


Description: Teledyne Paradise Datacom’s newly packaged High Power Outdoor (H) series of Solid State Power Amplifiers is packaged with the latest Gallium Nitride, GaN, based SSPA modules. Utilizing the latest in linearized GaN amplifier module technology, the High Power Outdoor enclosure can achieve the highest power densities in the industry. By utilizing an all GaN semiconductor design along with proprietary linearization techniques, the High Power Outdoor amplifier simultaneously provides excellent linear output power along with industry leading efficiency.

GaAs SSPA 350w  Data Sheet
GaAs SSPA 500w 
Data Sheet
GaN SSPA 650w 
   Data Sheet
GaN SSPA 800w 
   Data Sheet



70W X-Band 3RU Rackmount SSPA 

60W X-Band 3RU Rackmount SSPA


75W X-Band 3RU Rackmount SSPA


Description: Teledyne Paradise Datacom’s Indoor, Compact Rack Mount (CRM) series Solid State Power Amplifiers represent the latest in High Power Microwave Amplifier Technology. The SSPA chassis achieves the highest power density in the industry along with enhanced maintainability. The power supply, fan trays and controller card connector plate are all removable for easy maintenance. At 24” deep, and only 3RU high, this chassis is perfect for SNG applications, or other configurations where rack space is at a premium. The SSPA front panel features an easy-to-navigate display and menu structure. Dedicated LEDs are provided for alarm condition indication.

3RSSPA-X  Data Sheet



X-Band microBUC 10/20 Watt Micro Block Up Converter 

X-Band microBUC 10/20 Watt Micro Block Up Converter


Description: The Paradise Datacom μBUC is an X-Band Block Up Converter module designed specifically for highly mobile commercial and military X-Band applications. The μBUC is ideal for use in any Fly-away or Manpack application where miniature form factor and light weight are a requirement. The converter can automatically detect and phase lock to external reference frequencies of 5, 10, and 50 MHz over a wide range of power levels.

X-MicroBUC  Data Sheet



X-Band vBUC VSAT Block Up Converters (BUCs)

X-Band vBUC VSAT Block Up Converters


Description: Teledyne Paradise Datacom’s second generation VSAT Block Up Converters is a completely new design based on the new ZBUC intelligent technology and the reliability of the Teledyne Paradise Datacom SSPA product line. For system compatibility, the package size and footprint have been maintained from the first generation VSAT BUC.

 vBUC Data Sheet




S-Band  SSPA-Wikipedia

The S band is part of the microwave band of the electromagnetic spectrum. It is defined by an IEEE standard for radio waves with frequencies that range from 2 to 4 GHz, crossing the conventional boundary between UHF and SHF at 3.0 GHz. The S band is used by weather radar, surface ship radar, and some communications satellites, especially those used by NASA to communicate with the Space Shuttle and the International Space Station. The 10 cm radar short-band ranges roughly from 1.55 to 5.2 GHz.



 S-Band 3RU Rack Height GaN SSPA

50Watt S-Band 3RU Rack Height GaN SSPA 


100Watt S-Band 3RU Rack Height GaN SSPA


200Watt S-Band 3RU Rack Height GaN SSPA 


Description: Teledyne Paradise Datacom has a rich history in the design and production of Gallium Nitride (GaN) based SSPAs. Our engineers utilize innovative linearization techniques that enable GaN amplifiers to produce linear output power with the same efficiency as tube based amplifier systems. A complete family of Satcom amplifiers has been developed that cover S-Band through Ku-Band.

GaN SSPA 50w   Data Sheet
GaN SSPA 100w
Data Sheet
GaN SSPA 200w
Data Sheet





 S-Band 3RU Rack Height GaN SSPA

300Watt S-Band 3RU Rack Height GaN SSPA 


400Watt S-Band 3RU Rack Height GaN SSPA


500Watt S-Band 3RU Rack Height GaN SSPA


600Watt S-Band 3RU Rack Height GaN SSPA


Description: Teledyne Paradise Datacom has a rich history in the design and production of Gallium Nitride (GaN) based SSPAs. Our engineers utilize innovative linearization techniques that enable GaN amplifiers to produce linear output power with the same efficiency as tube based amplifier systems. A complete family of Satcom amplifiers has been developed that cover S-Band through Ku-Band.

GaN SSPA 300w Data Sheet
GaN SSPA 400w
Data Sheet
GaN SSPA 500w
Data Sheet
GaN SSPA 600w
Data Sheet




800W S-Band Outdoor GaN SSPA

600W S-Band Outdoor GaN SSPA


  800W S-Band Outdoor GaN SSPA


  Description: Teledyne Paradise Datacom has a rich history in the design and production of Gallium Nitride (GaN) based SSPAs. Our engineers utilize innovative linearization techniques that enable GaN amplifiers to produce linear output power with the same efficiency as tube based amplifier systems. A complete family of Satcom amplifiers has been developed that cover S-Band through Ku-Band.

GaN SSPA 600w Data Sheet
GaN SSPA 800w
Data Sheet






1000Watt S-Band Outdoor GaN SSPA

1000Watt S-Band Outdoor GaN SSPA  


Description: Teledyne Paradise Datacom’s newly packaged High Power Outdoor (H) series of Solid State Power Amplifiers is packaged with the latest Gallium Nitride, GaN, based SSPA modules. Utilizing the latest in linearized GaN amplifier module technology, the High Power Outdoor enclosure can achieve the highest power densities in the industry. By utilizing an all GaN semiconductor design along with proprietary linearization techniques, the High Power Outdoor amplifier simultaneously provides excellent linear output power along with industry leading efficiency.

GaN SSPA 1000w  Data Sheet





Redundant Solid State Power Amplifiers (SSPA)-Wikipedia

The amplified outputs of all the symmetric branches are summed up in a passive combing network which routes the resultant high power to the output of the RF SSPA. A compact and highly efficient switching Power Supply Unit (PSU) is built into the solid state power amplifier.

SSPA -  Multi-Band -  Redundant System



Redundant Systems Outdoor SSPA

Redundant Systems Outdoor SSPA


Description: Teledyne Paradise Datacom’s Outdoor series of redundant amplifier systems provide the highest degree of earth station
redundancy and reliability. Based on Teledyne Paradise Datacom’s family of rugged and robust SSPAs, these systems provide the highest MTBFs possible.

ROSSPA Data Sheet



Phase Combined Systems Outdoor SSPA

Phase Combined Systems Outdoor SSPA


Description: Teledyne Paradise Datacom’s family of outdoor packaged, phase combined SSPA systems provide the highest degree of redundancy and system reliability. 1:1 Phase Combined Systems are an economical solution to providing high output power capability with soft-fail redundancy. 1:2 Phase Combined Systems can provide full output power redundancy to mission critical applications which cannot tolerate any decrease in output power capability.

PCSSPA Data Sheet



See: Wave Guides



See: Tx/RX Transmit Receive


Redundant Indoor Packaged SSPAs

Redundant Indoor Packaged SSPAs
3RU, 4RU, 6RU & 7RU


Description: Teledyne Paradise Datacom’s Indoor Rack Mount (-RM) series of redundant amplifier systems provide the highest degree of earth station redundancy and reliability. These systems can be configured in either 1:1 or 1:2 redundant configurations using any of the Teledyne Paradise Datacom family of Indoor Rack Mount SSPAs.

RISSPA Data Sheet




Phase Combined Indoor Packaged SSPAs

Phase Combined Indoor Packaged SSPAs
3RU, 4RU, 6RU & 7RU


Description: Teledyne Paradise Datacom’s Outdoor series of redundant amplifier systems provide the highest degree of earth station
redundancy and reliability. Based on Teledyne Paradise Datacom’s family of rugged and robust SSPAs, these systems provide the highest MTBFs possible.

PCISSPA Data Sheet

See: Hubs and Controllers


See: Motors & Positioners


PowerMAX Modular N+1 Soft-Fail Phase Combined System

PowerMAX Modular N+1 Soft-Fail Phase Combined System


Description: The PowerMAX system maintains complete parallel redundancy down to the embedded control level. Therefore the loss of an entire HPA chassis will not interrupt remote communications with the system. Remote communications can be either RS-485 or Ethernet. The system will automatically correct its gain level in the event of one or more HPA chassis failures. Available in multi configurations.

PMax-phase Data Sheet







GaN PowerMAX Modular N+1 Soft-Fail Phase Combined System


Description: Teledyne Paradise Datacom’s Indoor Rack Mount (-RM) series of redundant amplifier systems provide the highest degree of earth station redundancy and reliability. These systems can be configured in either 1:1 or 1:2 redundant configurations using any of the Teledyne Paradise Datacom family of Indoor Rack Mount SSPAs.

GaN-PMax Data Sheet




Traveling Wave Tube Amplifiers (TWTA)-Wikipedia

TWTA - Outdoor Traveling Wave Tube Amplifiers (TWTAs)  C-Band - Ku-Band - X-Band - DBS-Band - Ka-Band - Q- and V-Band - Multi-Band. Indoor TWTAs  C-Band - Ku-Band - DBS-Band - X-Band

TWT - Ring-Loop TWTs - Pulsed ring-loop traveling wave tubes operating in the L-, S-, C- and X-Band frequency ranges. Typical peak power levels offered range from 1 kW to 15 kW, with duty cycle capability up to 6 percent.The unique ring-loop slow-wave structure used in these provides high gain at kilowatt peak RF power levels without oscillation and achieve greater than 30% efficiency. Helix TWTs  - C-Band - X-Band - Ku-Band - DBS-Band - Ka-Band - Tri-Band - Instrumentation - Minis - Mini Boosters - Pulsed Products - Instrumentation 

Coupled Cavity TWT

A traveling-wave tube (TWT, pronounced "twit") or traveling-wave tube amplifier (TWTA, pronounced "tweeta") is a specialized vacuum tube that is used in electronics to amplify radio frequency (RF) signals in the microwave range. The TWT belongs to a category of "linear beam" tubes, such as the klystron, in which the radio wave is amplified by absorbing power from a beam of electrons as it passes down the tube.

TWTA Systems


Xicom is an established software development company with an enviable and proven track-record engaged in providing software development services, technology consulting and IT outsourcing solutions to clients worldwide. 


Xicom XTD-750C 750W Antenna Mount Ku-Band TWTA

XTD-750C 750W Antenna Mount C-Band TWTA


XTD-750K 750W Antenna Mount Ku-Band TWTA


Description: The Xicom XTD-750 is a compact, self-contained, antenna mountable power amplifier designed for low cost installation and long life. The XTD-750 design eliminates the need for an amplifier shelter as well as a long waveguide run between the amplifier and antenna feed horn. RF filters, cooling, and monitoring & control (M&C) systems are all self-contained within the High Power Amplifier (HPA). These features provide high reliability, low maintenance costs, and low replacement costs. Other wattages available to meet your requirements.

XTD-750 Data Sheet






Xicom XTRT-750C

XTRT-750C 750W C-Band Touch Screen Rack Mount TWTA


Technology XTRT-750K 750W Ext Ku-Band Rack Mount TWTA 


Technology XTRT-750X 750W X-Band Rack Mount High Power Amplifier


 Description: The Xicom XTRT-750C is a highly efficient rack mountable traveling wave tube amplifier (TWTA) designed for fixed and mobile uplink applications. The unit includes RF gain control, a solid state pre-amplifier, RF filters, cooling, and monitoring and control (M&C) systems. Rack space is conserved because the amplifier occupies only 4 rack units (7 inches) of a standard 19 inch rack cabinet. Nominal weight is 75 pounds. Other wattages available to meet your requirements.

XTRT-750C Data Sheet


dB Control designs and manufactures reliable high-power TWT Amplifiers (TWTAs), microwave power modules (MPMs), transmitters and power supplies with modulators for radar, electronic countermeasures (ECM), and data link applications.



dB Control dB-3902 8kW Pulsed C-Band TWTA

dB Control dB-3902 8kW Pulsed C-Band TWTA


dB-3906 12kW Pulsed C-Band TWTA


dB-3907 12kW Pulsed X-Band TWTA


Description: The dB Control dB-3902 8kW Pulsed C-Band TWTA uses two wideband, periodic permanent magnet (PPM)-focused TWTs to amplify CW, AM, FM or pulse-modulated signals. Compared to a single TWT approach, the dB-3902 provides higher saturated output power and improved harmonic performance. In addition, dB Control minimizes losses from power combining by carefully matching the TWTs and other RF components for amplitude and phase over the entire frequency range

DB3907 Data Sheet





dB-4103A 35W CW Ka-Band TWTA

dB-4103A 35W CW Ka-Band TWTA


dB-3861 400W Ka-Band TWTA 


dB-3860-01 700W Ka-Band TWTA 


Description: The dB Control dB-4103A 35W CW Ka-Band TWTA is a rack-mounted Ka-Band traveling wave tube amplifier (TWTA) operating in the frequency range of 26.5 to 40 GHz and providing 35 Watts minimum output power. A wide-band, periodic permanent magnet (PPM) - focused, conduction-cooled TWT is used for power amplification of CW, AM, FM or pulse-modulated signals. The power supply topology uses proprietary low-noise, high-efficiency designs to operate the RF signal path. An embedded micro-controller provides the interface, control and protection functions, as well as extensive fault diagnostics and status indication for the TWT Amplifier. The dB-4103A is packaged in a standard 19-inch rack-mount configuration with an integral, forced air cooling system.

DB3860 Data Sheet


CPI's Satcom Division (CPI Satcom) is a worldwide leader in uplink amplifier products and systems for satellite communications. The company has played a pivotal role in the satcom industry since its inception. The first satellite projects, including INTELSAT and CONUS, were supported by CPI, which was then part of Varian Associates, Inc. 



MCL MT7100 TWTA Traveling Wave Tube High Power Amplifier

MCL MT7100 TWTA Traveling Wave Tube High Power Amplifier


Description: The MCL MT7100 TWTA High Power Traveling Wave Tube Amplifier is the rugged and economical solution for satellite uplink applications. The MT7100 is available in C-Band (2250W), X-Band (2250W-2500W) and Dual C/X-Band Configurations (1000W/2000W)

MT7100 Data Sheet






MCL MT4400 TWTA Antenna Mount Traveling Wave Tube Medium Power Amplifier

MCL MT4400 TWTA Antenna Mount Traveling Wave Tube Medium Power Amplifier


Description: The MT4400 antenna mount TWT amplifier is available for C or Ku-Band applications at 750 watts, or DBS-Band applications at 500 watts. It is also available for X-Band or Tri-Band upon request. This weather-resistant outdoor TWTA features extensive built-in diagnostic capabilities, an advanced thermal design, and rugged construction for extreme environments. The MT4400 can be easily integrated in both new and existing outdoor amplifier installations.

MT4400 Data Sheet




We carry a large range of manufactures:  Acorde - Advantech - Agilis - Alga - AnaCom - Aqyr - Atlantic Satellite Corp - AvL Technologies - Ayecka - Belcom - CPI - China Starwin - Cobham - Comtech EF Data -  C-Com Satellite Systems - DataPath - Datum Systems - Foxcom - GD Satcom - Idirect - Intellian - Mitec - NJRC - Newtec - Norsat - Novelsat - ORBIT Communication Systems - Sage SatCom - Satellite Systems Corp - Sat-Lite - Skyware Global - Teledyne Paradise Datacom - Terrasat - Xicom. W 68 dB min 10 W 71 dB min 15 W 72.8 dB min 20 W 74 dB min 25 W 75 dB min 30 W 75.8 dB min 40 W 77 dB min 50 W 78 dB min 60 W 79 dB min Attenuator range 30 dB variable in 0.1 dB steps


DCR 3500 5W Ka-Band Transceiver

DCR 3500 5W Ka-Band Transceiver


Description: The new Skyware Global DRC 3500 is a high performance Ka-Band transceiver with unprecedented versatility. The product includes the complete antenna feed chain with polarizer, a true 5 Watt BUC a wide-band PLL LNB and an OpenBMIP Monitoring and Control facility – all in a single, IP67 rated, enclosure. 

DRC3500 Data Sheet

  • Flexible Polarization: RHCP/ LHCP and cross/co-polar
  • 2 GHz operation by switchable sub-bands
  • Optimized, integrated Feed-chain for highest EIRP and G/T
  • True 5 Watt P1dB at the Feed
  • L-Band IFL
  • Wide DC supply voltage range 18 – 50 V
  • Auto-detect 10 MHz and 50 MHz TX reference
  • IP67 rated housing and feed
  • OpenBMIP Monitoring and Control - other protocols through firmware update
  • Fan-less design




H1 2015 10W Ka-Band Transceiver 

H1 2015 10W Ka-Band Transceiver



Description: The new Skyware Global H1 2015 is a high performance Ka-Band transceiver with unprecedented versatility. The product includes the complete antenna feed chain with polarizer, a true 5 Watt BUC a wide-band PLL LNB and an OpenBMIP Monitoring and Control facility – all in a single, IP67 rated, enclosure. 

H1 2015 Data Sheet

  • Flexible Polarization: RHCP/ LHCP and cross/co-polar
  • 2 GHz operation by switchable sub-bands
  • Optimized, integrated Feed-chain for highest EIRP and G/T
  • True 10 Watt P1dB at the Feed
  • L-Band IFL
  • Wide DC supply voltage range 18 – 50 V
  • Auto-detect 10 MHz and 50 MHz TX reference
  • IP67 rated housing and feed
  • OpenBMIP Monitoring and Control - other protocols through firmware update
  • Fan-less design




Amplifier 1 to 990 GHz 

Amplifier 1 to 990 GHz 


Description: Military converters and custom assemblies are used in Airborne (fixed and rotary wing), Shipboard, and Ground Mobile platforms. Military applications include Avionics, Electronic Warfare including (ECM, ESM, ELINT, SIGINT), RADAR applications, radar environment simulation systems, and intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) systems.

RCM1G Data Sheet



Amplifier 26.5 to 40 GHz

Amplifier 26.5 to 40 GHz 


Description: Please contact our Sales Office to obtain more information and discuss your requirements and/or submit your Custom Assembly Specification Form for immediate review.

AMP2640 Data Sheet




Amplifier 5 to 700 GHz 

Amplifier 5 to 700 GHz 


Description: Military converters and custom assemblies are used in Airborne (fixed and rotary wing), Shipboard, and Ground Mobile platforms. Military applications include Avionics, Electronic Warfare including (ECM, ESM, ELINT, SIGINT), RADAR applications, radar environment simulation systems, and intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) systems.

RCM7G Data Sheet




3W Low Ku-Band BUC

3W Low Ku-Band BUC


Description: Ideal for Broadband VSAT RF terminal. 3W-34dBm output power Optional Internal reference source RoHS Complaint Small Size & Mass Power Consumption: 20W Max Two Year Warranty LINE UP Model Number Description Output Power RF Band(GHz) IF Band(MHz)

3WKUL Data Sheet

See: UHF / VHF Antennas See: Tx/RX Transmit Receive
See: Wave Guides See: Satellite / Parabolic Amps




Amplifier 26.5 to 40 GHz

Amplifier .5 to 40 GHz 


Description: We recognize that for highly specialized systems and requirements, only a custom designed product will be acceptable. We have extensive experience in the design, development and manufacturing of custom microwave products and subsystems, and welcomes the opportunity to discuss your requirements.

SPA40G Data Sheet


100Watt Extended C-Band BUC 

100Watt Extended C-Band BUC 


Description: Military converters and custom assemblies are used in Airborne (fixed and rotary wing), Shipboard, and Ground Mobile platforms. Military applications include Avionics, Electronic Warfare including (ECM, ESM, ELINT, SIGINT), RADAR applications, radar environment simulation systems, and intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) systems.

100WEC Data Sheet


Klystron (HPA)-Wikipedia

A klystron is a specialized linear-beam vacuum tube, invented in 1937 by American electrical engineers Russell and Sigurd Varian, which is used as an amplifier for high radio frequencies, from UHF up into the microwave range.

Klystron HPAs - klystron power amplifier (KPA) is the overwhelming choice among Direct-to-Home service providers for uplink service, and is also very popular for other broadcasting applications. As the first KPA to utilize multi-stage depressed collector (MSDC) technology C-Band - Ku-Band - DBS-Band - S-Band - KA-Band

Klystron HPAs - klystron power amplifier (KPA) is the overwhelming choice among Direct-to-Home service providers for uplink service, and is also very popular for other broadcasting applications. As the first KPA to utilize multi-stage depressed collector (MSDC) technology Klystron Based - Gunn Based

Klystrons - UHF-Band - L-Band - S-Band - C-Band - X-Band - Ku-Band - DBS-Band - Ka-Band

Gyrotrons - Inductive Output Tubes (IOTs) - Klystrodes - Klystron Based - Gunn Based

millimeter wave klystron technology



Ka-Band Klystron

Ka-Band Klystron


Description: Klystrons are used in both commercial and military satellite communications uplinks and are now the worldwide standards for this class of operation covering C-band, X-band and Ku-band frequencies. High performance Ka-band amplifiers for earth-satellite communications. These products, based on high reliability military products, are now available for long-life high performance commercial applications. We offer a wide variety of Ka-band products, at power levels ranging from 250 watts to 1 MW continuous wave. The VKA-7934 Klystron product line is currently under development. Initial test of the fixed tuned klystron is complete.

VKA-7934 Data Sheet

VA-928C 28 1 11 1 43 
VKA-7910 29.0 - 30.0 0.5 8 0.5 40 
VKA-7934 21.0 - 31.3 2 10 1 40 
VKA-7934B 21.0 - 22.0 2 10 1 40 




UHF Klystron

UHF Klystron


Description: Klystrons superpower klystrons for particle accelerator applications. Typical performance for these devices are operating frequencies of 350 to 700 MHz and output power up to 1.3 MW CW. The VKP-7952 Series provides output power of 1 MW CW or peak for long pulse operation at 700 MHz.

VKA-7952 Data Sheet

VKP-7951A 0.476 1200 82 24 40 
VKP-7952A 0.7 1000 95 16.5 40 
VKP-7952B 0.704 1000 95 16.5 40 
VKP-7953 0.5 70 25 5.5 37 
VKP-7953B 0.5 100 32 6.4 40 
VKP-7957A 0.5 800 74 18 40 
VKP-7958A 0.499 800 74 17 40 
VKP-8275A 0.915 100 34 6.6 40 

Pulsed UHF Klystrons
VKP-7952C 0.704 1 100 95 22 40 
VKP-7955 0.805 0.200 - 35 15 37 
VKP-8289 0.850 - 0.942 0.30 - 43 24 40 
VKP-8290A 0.805 2.5 250 120 55 45 
VKP-8291A/B 0.805 0.55 / 0.70 50 / 63 85 13.5 50 
VKP-8352A/B 0.352 2.8 100 110 50 42 




L-Band Klystron

L-Band Klystron


Description: 1.3 GHz, 300 kW, CW Klystron with 58% efficiency, 6 MHz bandwidth. This device was designed to operate nominally at 290 kW for accelerator applications.

VKL-7966A Data Sheet

VA-963A 1.25 - 1.35 5 8 130 85 50 



Pulsed L-Band Klystron

Pulsed L-Band Klystron


Description: 1.3 GHz, 300 kW, CW Klystron with 58% efficiency, 6 MHz bandwidth. This device was designed to operate nominally at 290 kW for accelerator applications.

VKA-7967A Data Sheet

VKL-8271 1.25 - 1.35 2.5 1.425 140 125 50 
VKL-8271A 1.25 - 1.35 2 2.376 140 125 50 




Pulsed L-Band Klystron

Pulsed L-Band Klystron


Description: Klystrons for particle accelerator applications. The VKL-8301 is a 1300 MHz, 10 MW peak power, 150 kW average power, long-pulse multiple beam klystron for the European X-FEL and International Linear Collider (ILC) projects.

VKL-8301 Data Sheet

VKL-7796 1.29 - 1.36 4 300 125 85 45 
VKL-7796SRI 1.290 4 180 125 106 45 
VKL-7829 1.3 - 1.4 .08 .8 35 10 50 






Multiple Beam Klystron

Multiple Beam Klystron


Description: The VKL-8301B is a 1300 MHz, 10 MW peak power, 150 kW average power, long-pulse multiple beam klystron developed for the European X-FEL and International Linear Collider (ILC) projects.

VKL-8301B Data Sheet

VKL-7829C3 1.3 - 1.4 .06 .72 28 10 50 
VKL-8272 1.25 - 1.35 4 8.4 140 115 50 
X-780 1.235 - 1.365 2.5 - 115 62 40 


S-Band Klystron

S-Band Klystron


Description: VKS-8262 series of klystrons for use in particle accelerators for scientific, medical, and industrial applications. These klystrons provide up to 7.5 MW peak at 2.856 or 2.9985 GHz at various rf pulse lengths and duty. Versions are available with up to 36 kW of average output power at 2.856 GHz and 72 kW at 2.9985 GHz

VKS-8262 Data Sheet

VA-145E 2.9 - 3.1 2.5 5 117 80 45 
VA-811C 2.9 - 3.1 1 4.2 90 54 38 
VA-811D 2.98 - 3.1 1 4.2 90 54 38 

VA-811E 2.9 - 3.02 1 4.2 90 54 38 
VA-87EN 2.7 - 2.9 1.5 1.08 79 47 53 
VA-87ENG 2.8 - 2.89 1.6 1.92 79 47 52 
VA-87F 2.7 - 2.9 1.3 1.56 75 42 52 
VA-87S 2.7 - 2.9 1.5 3 79 50 52 
VA-87TH 2.7 - 2.9 1.5 2.34 79 47 53 
VA-87W 2.7 - 2.9 1.3 1.56 75 42 52 
VA-938E 2.856 5.5 120 125 90 50 
VKS-8260 2.1 - 2.4 2 3.4 95 65 - 
VKS-8262D 2.9985 5.5 5.5 130 105 45 
VKS-8262E 2.9985 6 6 135 109 45 
VKS-8262F 2.856 5 36 125 91 45 
VKS-8262G 2.9985 7.5 7.5 160 110 45 
VKS-8262HS 2.9985 3 12 110 72 45 
VKS-8262J 2.856 4.5 14.1 125 92 45 
VKS-8262K 2.9985 5 36 125 91 45 
VKS-8262M 2.856 3 12 110 72 45 
VKS-8262M1 2.856 3 9 110 72 45 
VKS-8262N 2.9985 5 72 125 92 45 
VKS-8262S 2.856 5.5 5.72 127 92 45 
VKS-8287 2.7 - 3.0 0.75 1.5 65 31 49 
VKS-8287A 2.7 - 3.0 0.75 1.5 65 31 49 
VKS-8287B 3.0 - 3.3 0.75 1.5 65 31 49 
VKS-8288B 2.7 - 2.9 1.5 1.8 85 50 - 
VKS-8320 2.955 1 11 85 50 32 
VKS-8340 3.1 - 3.5 1.2 - 83 48 35 
VKS-8345A 2.85 - 3.15 2.5 5 117 80 35 
VKS-8345B 2.9 - 3.1 4.5 9 140 80 35 
VKS-8345C 2.9 - 3.1 1.5 7.5 140 65 35 
VKS-8345T 2.9 - 3.1 1.5 6.6 140 65 35 




Pulsed S-Band Klystron

Pulsed S-Band Klystron


Description: These klystrons provide up to 7.5 MW peak at 2.856 or 2.9985 GHz at various rf pulse lengths and duty. Versions are available with up to 36 kW of average output power at 2.856 GHz and 72 kW at 2.9985 GHz, Also   long-pulse multiple beam klystron developed for the European X-FEL and International Linear Collider (ILC) projects.

VKL-8301B Data Sheet

4 KM 50 SJ 1.7 - 2.4 12 18 1.8 39 
4 KM 50 SK 2.55 - 2.7 10 18 1.8 40 
4 KM 70 SJ 1.9 - 2.4 20 20 2.8 40 
5 K 70 SK 2.025 - 2.12 24 22 2.78 45 
5 K 70 SK-1 2.0 - 2.16 11 16 1.8 41 
5K 70 SK-2 2.025 - 2.12 24 22 2.78 45 
VKS-7770 1.7- 2.4 12 19 1.85 39 
VKS-7793 2.4- 2.55 12 19 1.8 40 
VKS-7830 2.5 - 2.7 10 14 1.5 45 
VKS-7842 3.0 - 3.1 13 19 2.3 45 
VKS-7866 1.75 - 1.85 24 23 3 - 
VKS-7960A 2.45 60 32 3.1 41 
VKS-7960M 2.45 50 26 3.6 41 
VKS-7975A 2.45 120 34 6.3 41 
VKS-8269 2.45 500 62 16 57 
VKS-8270 2.38 450 62 15.5 49 
VKS-8270A 2.38 500 65 18.5 49 
VKS-8276 2.114 500 62 16.5 55 


C-Band Klystron


Description: These C-Band klystrons provide up to 7.5 MW peak at 3.8 or 8,7 GHz at various rf pulse lengths and duty. Versions are available with up to 36 kW of average output power at 4.2 GHz and 72 kW at 8.7 GHz, Also long-pulse multiple beam klystron developed for the European X-FEL and International Linear Collider (ILC) projects.

CKLY36K Data Sheet

VA-876 7.1 - 8.5 25 25 4 50 
VA-876P 7.145 - 7.235 25 21 3.5 40 
VA-883 7.1 - 8.5 5 13 1.2 50 
VA-883K 7.1 - 7.25 5 13.5 1.6 46 
VA-884D 5.925 - 6.425 14 16 2.7 47 
VA-908C 4.4 - 5.0 13 16 2.65 50 
VA-908E 5 20 20 3.3 50 
VA-908F 4.4 - 5.0 13 16 2.65 50 
VKC-7810 6.5 - 7.0 2.5 8.5 1.2 43 
VKC-7810B 6.5 - 7.0 2.5 8.5 1.2 43 
VKC-7810C1 6.95 - 7.0 1.5 7 0.896 41 
VKC-7810C2 6.9 - 7.1 3 8.5 1.2 41 
VKC-7810F 3.9 3 8.5 1.2 41 
VKC-7810G 6.9 - 7.1 5 12 2.1 43 
VKC-7810H 6.8 - 7.0 2.5 8.5 1.2 43 
VKC-7810J 6.755 - 6.955 3 8.5 1.2 43 
VKC-7810J6 6.7 - 7.025 3 8.5 1.25 43 
VKC-7810M6 6.8 - 7.050 2.1 10 1.25 43 
VKC-7810P 6.4 - 6.6 3 8.5 1.2 43 
VKC-7819B/U 4.4 - 5.0 2.6 8.2 0.8 43 
VKC-7979A 5.175 - 5.250 3.3 10 1.25 




Pulsed C-Band Klystron


Description: These C-Band klystrons provide up to 7.5 MW peak at 3.8 or 8,7 GHz at various rf pulse lengths and duty. Versions are available with up to 36 kW of average output power at 4.2 GHz and 72 kW at 8.7 GHz, Also long-pulse multiple beam klystron developed for the European X-FEL and International Linear Collider (ILC) projects..

PCKLY72K Data Sheet

VA-846M1 5.9 0.01 0.8 16 2.5 50 
VA-908K2 3.9 0.08 2 37 7.8 40 
VKC-7762B 5.395 - 5.655 1.3 7 77 39 50 
VKC-7762C 5.4 - 5.65 0.9 6.3 77 39 50 
VKC-7762M 5.43 - 5.64 1 - 85 52 50 
VKC-7807 4.4 - 4.8 0.001 - 6.5 0.5 45 
VKC-7834 5.475 - 5.8 0.03 1.2 27 4.5 56 
VKC-7840A1 5.5 0.05 - 36 6.8 40 
VKC-7849 4.6 0.250 - 46.5 13 55 
VKC-8313 5.4 - 5.9 3 6 120 79 33 
VKC-8342 5.4 - 5.9 2.7 4.86 128 111 - 
VKC-8387 5.6 - 5.65 0.25 .5 50 11 48 
VKC-8387E 5.3 - 5.35 0.25 1 60 12 48 
VKC-8387K 5.6 - 5.65 0.25 1 60 12 48


X-Band Klystron

X-Band Klystron


Description: The VKX-8253A is an electromagnet focused, 9.3 GHz klystron which has demonstrated peak power of 5.5 MW with 18 kW average, at an RF pulse width of 9 μs. The klystron achieved power of 6 MW peak at 6 kW average. The unit was designed to achieve 20 kW average power at 5 MW peak..

VKX-8253A Data Sheet

VA-864 9.6 - 11.1 10 18 2.25 47 
VA-864G 9.15 - 9.45 5.5 13.5 1.38 47 
VA-864J 9.7 10 18.5 2.25 47 
VA-864K 9.0 - 9.8 10 18.5 2.3 47 
VA-866 7.1 - 12.0 1 7 0.5 48 
VA-876 7.1 - 8.5 25 25 4 46 
VA-876J 7.145 - 7.235 25 21 3.5 46 
VA-876J2 7.145 - 7.235 25 21 3.5 46 
VA-876P 7.145 - 7.235 25 21 3.5 46 
VA-883 7.1 - 8.5 5 13 1.2 46 
VA-883DM 8.0 5.5 13 1.2 46 
VA-883K 7.1 - 7.25 5 13.5 1.6 46 
VA-883T 8.3125 6.0 13.5 1.6 46 
VA-896 10.0 - 10.25 0.5 5.4 0.36 40 
VA-896H 9.6 5 6 0.4 40 
VA-911 10.0 - 11.0 10 15 2 50 
VA-911T1 10.0 - 10.25 10 16 2.5 50 
VA-925G 8.3 - 8.6 5.5 12.5 1.65 47 
VA-925P 7.9 - 8.4 8 13 1.75 47 
VA-933A 10.0 - 10.25 0.2 4.65 0.3 45 
VKX-7753B 7.9 - 8.4 12 13.5 3.2 40 
VKX-7753F 7.9 - 8.4 14.5 13.5 3.2 40 
VKX-7753G 7.9 - 8.4 12.5 13.5 3.2 40 
VKX-7765D 10.0 - 11.0 2.5 10.5 1 43 
VKX-7780 7.9 - 8.4 2.5 8 0.85 45 
VKX-7799B2 7.9 - 8.4 10 14.5 2.3 34 
VKX-7809D 10 3 10 1.1 40 
VKX-7809K 10.0 - 10.25 2 9 1.1 40 
VKX-7809K1 10.0 - 10.25 2.5 10 1.1 40 
VKX-7809M 6.9 - 7.1 0.75 5.9 0.52 40 
VKX-7824C 7.9 - 8.4 4.5 12 1.9 30 
VKX-7826B 7.9 - 8.4 8 13 1.75 45 
VKX-7828H 10.25 - 10.50 5 15 1.6 50 
VKX-7864 8.5 250 51.5 11.2 50 
VKX-7879 8 100 35 7.6 47 
VKX-7913 10 0.2 4.3 0.3 45 


Pulsed X-Band Klystron

Pulsed X-Band Klystron


Description: VKX-8311A Pulsed klystron operating at 11.994 GHz, 50 MW peak, 5 kW average power. Electromagnet focused, liquid cooled. Waveguide output WR-90, vacuum flange.

VKX-8311A Data Sheet

V-24E 9.0 - 10.0 0.05 0.15 36 6.6 42 
V-24L 9.0 - 10.0 0.05 0.25 36 6.8 42 
VA-874E 9.0 - 9.6 0.1 0.5 4. 8.2 50 
VA-874T 9.5 - 9.8 0.1 0.5 45 8.5 - 
VKX-7769 8.5 - 10.0 0.0075 - 14 1.7 60 
VKX-7803 9.0 - 11.0 0.050 - 35 6 60 
VKX-7809L 9.950 - 10.050 0.006 0.042 12.5 1.5 45 
VKX-7817 9.5 - 10.5 0.002 - 10.5 0.45 47 
VKX-7875B 8.0 - 8.5 0.062 6.2 32 6 50 
VKX-7875D 7.7 - 8.5 0.035 3.150 28 4.7 50 
VKX-7875D1 7.7 - 8.5 0.062 8 34 6.3 50 
VKX-7875D2 7.7 - 8.5 0.062 6.2 34 6.3 50 
VKX-7875L2 8.3 - 8.9 0.062 4.96 34 6.3 50 
VKX-7875P 8.3 - 8.9 0.062 6.2 34 6.3 50 
VKX-7875Q 7.7 - 8.5 0.062 6.2 34 6.3 50 
VKX-7876C 8.7 - 9.7 0.1 6 38 7.4 50 
VKX-7876E 9.8 - 10.3 0.1 4.8 38 7.4 50 
VKX-7876H 9.5 - 10.5 0.062 6.2 32 6 50 
VKX-7876N 9.7 - 10.3 0.062 6.2 34 6.3 50 
VKX-7876N2 9.7 - 10.5 0.062 6.2 34 6.3 50 
VKX-7876S 9.8 - 10.5 0.07 5.6 34 6.3 50 




Pulsed Ku-Band Klystron


Description: VKX-8311A Pulsed klystron operating at 11.994 GHz, 50 MW peak, 5 kW average power. Electromagnet focused, liquid cooled. Waveguide output WR-90, vacuum flange.

VKX-8311A Data Sheet

VA-934 14.0 - 18.0 13 23 3.5 41 
VKU-7812 14.0 - 14.5 2 9 1.2 32 
VKU-7891 14.0 - 14.5 3 11 1.1 40 
VKU-7891M24 13.75 - 14.50 3.5 11.5 1.2 52 
VKU-7891P24 14.0 - 14.5 3 11 1.1 52 
VKU-8893A 16.7 - 17.1 2.5 10 1.2 40 
VKU-8893UTA 16.7 - 17.1 2.4 9.7 1.2 40




DBS-Band Klystron


Description: VKX-8311A Pulsed klystron operating at 11.994 GHz, 50 MW peak, 5 kW average power. Electromagnet focused, liquid cooled. Waveguide output WR-90, vacuum flange.

VKX-8311A Data Sheet




Millimeter Wave HPA-Wikipedia

Extremely high frequency (EHF) is the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) designation for the band of radio frequencies in the electromagnetic spectrum from 30 to 300 gigahertz. It lies between the super high frequency band, and the far infrared band which is also referred to as the terahertz gap. Radio waves in this band have wavelengths from ten to one millimeter, giving it the name millimeter band or millimeter wave, sometimes abbreviated MMW or mmW. Millimeter-length electromagnetic waves were first investigated in the 1890s by Indian scientist Jagadish Chandra Bose.


Millimeter Wave HPAs - With the broadest spectrum of millimeter wave uplink amplifiers available in the industry.
Advanced millimeter wave klystrons covering the 30-700 GHz range have made the transition into shorter wavelengths a viable option for radar and communications systems. - millimeter wave family of HPAs - ranging in power from 120 watts to 800 watts  - Ka-Band HPAs - Q- and V-Band HPAs millimeter wave klystron technology


Ka-Band Millimeter Wave Coupled Cavity TWT

Ka-Band Millimeter Wave Coupled Cavity TWT


Description: The VTA-6430A Series are 500W CW Coupled Cavity TWT’s covering 27.5 - 31.0 GHz (Ka-Band) with 2 GHz instantaneous bandwidth, periodic-permanent-magnet focused, waveguide input, waveguide output, conduction cooled. This high-efficiency CC TWT is designed for use in satellite communication amplifiers Custom configurations are also available. These variations in the performance and configuration include: mechanical configuration, electrical and RF connections, and cooling method (affects average power level).

VTA-6430A Data Sheet









C-Band Coupled Cavity TWT


Description: The VTU-5690A pulsed- coupled cavity TWT covers 16.0 GHz to 17.0 GHz with 40 kW peak output power, 0.3 % duty cycle. This device has cathode pulsed and grounded collector to achieve 48 dB gain. Custom configurations are also available. These variations in the performance and configuration include: grid modulation, cooling method (affects average power level), mechanical configuration, electrical and RF connections.

VTU-5690A Data Sheet


Coupled Cavity TWT-Wikipedia

The coupled-cavity TWT overcomes this limit by replacing the helix with a series of coupled cavities arranged axially along the beam. This structure provides a helical waveguide, and hence amplification can occur via velocity modulation. Helical waveguide have very nonlinear dispersion and thus are only narrowband (but wider than klystron). A coupled-cavity TWT can achieve 60 kW output power.



Ku-Band Coupled Cavity TWT

Ku-Band Coupled Cavity TWT


Description: The VTU-5690A pulsed- coupled cavity TWT covers 16.0 GHz to 17.0 GHz with 40 kW peak output power, 0.3 % duty cycle. This device has cathode pulsed and grounded collector to achieve 48 dB gain. Custom configurations are also available. These variations in the performance and configuration include: grid modulation, cooling method (affects average power level), mechanical configuration, electrical and RF connections.

VTU-5690A Data Sheet










Ku-Band Coupled Cavity TWT


Description: The VTU-5690A pulsed- coupled cavity TWT covers 16.0 GHz to 17.0 GHz with 40 kW peak output power, 0.3 % duty cycle. This device has cathode pulsed and grounded collector to achieve 48 dB gain. Custom configurations are also available. These variations in the performance and configuration include: grid modulation, cooling method (affects average power level), mechanical configuration, electrical and RF connections.

KUCCTWT Data Sheet

VTU-5690A 16.0 - 17.0 40 0.3 Conduction PPM 
VTU-5692C 15.7 - 17.7 60 30 Forced Liquid Solenoid 
VTU-5790A 16.0 - 17.0 30 0.1 Forced Air PPM 
VTU-5790C 16.1 - 16.7 8 10 Forced Liquid PPM 



Ka-Band Coupled Cavity TWT


Description: Custom configurations are also available. These variations in the performance and configuration include: cooling method (affects average power level), mechanical configuration, electrical and RF connections, & multiple stage depressed collector.

KACCTWT Data Sheet



X-Band Coupled Cavity TWT


Description: Custom configurations and bandwidths within the 5.20 - 5.90 GHz weather RADAR band. Other variations in the performance and configuration include cooling method (affects average power level), mechanical configuration, electrical and RF connections and integration of multi stage depressed collectors.

XCCTWT Data Sheet




W-Band Coupled Cavity TWT


Description: The VTU-5690A pulsed- coupled cavity TWT covers 16.0 GHz to 17.0 GHz with 40 kW peak output power, 0.3 % duty cycle. This device has cathode pulsed and grounded collector to achieve 48 dB gain. Custom configurations are also available. These variations in the performance and configuration include: grid modulation, cooling method (affects average power level), mechanical configuration, electrical and RF connections.

VTU5690A Data Sheet

VTW-6495A2 93 - 95 50 Forced Air PPM 
VTW-5795 95 - 96 3 10 Forced Liquid Solenoid 
VTW-5795A2 93.9 - 94.1 3 10 Forced Liquid Solenoid 




L-Band Coupled Cavity TWT


Description: The VTU-5690A pulsed- coupled cavity TWT covers 16.0 GHz to 17.0 GHz with 40 kW peak output power, 0.3 % duty cycle. This device has cathode pulsed and grounded collector to achieve 48 dB gain. Custom configurations are also available. These variations in the performance and configuration include: grid modulation, cooling method (affects average power level), mechanical configuration, electrical and RF connections.

VTU-5690 Data Sheet

VTL-6640 1.75 - 1.85 12 Forced Liquid Solenoid 

See: UHF / VHF Antennas


See: UHF / VHF Antennas


Pulse Compressed-Wikipedia

Pulse compression is a signal processing technique commonly used by radar, sonar and echography to increase the range resolution as well as the signal to noise ratio.



C-Band VTC-5762B5

C-Band VTC-5762B5


Description: The VTC-5762B5 pulsed-coupled cavity TWT covers 5.25 to 5.35 GHz international and 5.60 to 5.65 GHz domestic weather RADAR bands in a single unit. This TWT puts out 12 kW peak output power at 4% duty cycle and 150uSEC duration. This device has a non-intercepting grid pulsed and single depressed collector to achieve high efficiency.

VTC-5762B5 Data Sheet

VTC-6660E 5.850 - 6.425 40 Forced Liquid Solenoid 
VTC-5760B 5.4 - 5.9 50 2.5 Forced Liquid PPM 
VTC-5762A 5.4 - 5.9 12 2.5 Forced Air PPM 
VTC-5763A 5.25 - 5.75 120 10 Forced Liquid Solenoid 
VTC-5764A 5.4 - 5.7 30 2.5 Forced Liquid Solenoid 
VTC-5764B 5.25 - 5.75 200 5 Forced Liquid Solenoid 
VTC-5764C 5.25 - 5.75 200 1 Forced Liquid PPM 
VTC-5765A 5.4 - 5.9 75 2.0 or 2.4 Forced Liquid PPM 
VTC-5765B 5.4 - 5.9 75 0.5 Forced Air PPM 
VTC-5765C 5.25 - 5.75 75 2 Forced Liquid PPM 
VTC-5765D 5.25 - 5.75 100 2 Forced Liquid PPM 
VTC-5767A 5.4 - 5.9 20 2.5 Forced Air PPM







400 W, C-Band Helix TWT

400 WATT C-Band Helix TWT


Description: 400 Watt, 5.85 - 7.10 GHz, CW traveling wave tube, periodic-permanent-magnet focused, coaxial input, waveguide output, conduction cooled. Custom configurations are also available. These variations in the performance and configuration include: mechanical configuration, electrical and RF connections, and dual-stage depressed collector.

400W-Helix Data Sheet








Helix TWT C-Band

Helix TWT C-Band


Description: VTC-6260E4 is a 125 W, CW Traveling-Wave Amplifier, 5.850 GHz to 6.425 GHz, Periodic-Permanent-Magnet Focused, Coaxial Input, Coaxial Output, and Conduction Cooled. Custom configurations are also available. These variations in the performance and configuration include: cooling method (affects average power level), mechanical configuration, electrical and RF connections, & single stage depressed collector.

VTC-6260E4 Data Sheet






Helix TWT C-Band


Description: VTC-6260E4 is a 125 W, CW Traveling-Wave Amplifier, 5.850 GHz to 6.425 GHz, Periodic-Permanent-Magnet Focused, Coaxial Input, Coaxial Output, and Conduction Cooled. Custom configurations are also available. These variations in the performance and configuration include: cooling method (affects average power level), mechanical configuration, electrical and RF connections, & single stage depressed collector.

VTC-6260E4 Data Sheet





Helix TWT C-Band

Helix TWT C-Band


Description: 400 Watt, 5.725 - 7.10 GHz, CW traveling wave tube, periodic-permanent-magnet focused, coaxial input, waveguide output, conduction cooled. Custom configurations are also available. These variations in the performance and configuration include: mechanical configuration, electrical and RF connections, and dual-stage depressed collector.

VTC6264D4 Data Sheet

VTC-6264D2C 5.85 - 7.1 400 W
VTC-6264D5C 5.725 - 5.825 400 W



400 Watt Helix TWT C-Band

400 Watt Helix TWT C-Band


Description: 400 Watt, 5.725 - 7.10 GHz, CW traveling wave tube, periodic-permanent-magnet focused, coaxial input, waveguide output, conduction cooled. Custom configurations are also available. These variations in the performance and configuration include: mechanical configuration, electrical and RF connections, and dual-stage depressed collector.

VTC-6361H1 Data Sheet






Helix TWT C-Band

Helix TWT C-Band


Description: 2.25 kW CW Helix TWT Series, 5.85 to 6.425 GHz, periodic-permanent, magnet focused, coaxial input, waveguide output, forced-air cooled. Custom configurations are also available. These variations in the performance and configuration include: mechanical configuration, electrical and RF connections, and dual-stage depressed collector.

VTC6369C2 Data Sheet

VTC-6161H4 5.85 - 6.425 75 314 50 Conduction 18.0 x 3.0 x 2.3  VTC-6260E4 5.85 - 6.425 125 456 50 Conduction 18.0 x 3.0 x 2.3  VTC-6264D4 5.85 - 7.1 400 1150 49 Conduction 18.0 x 3.0 x 3.245 VTC-6265E1 5.85 - 6.65 400 1100 49 Conduction 18.0 x 3.0 x 3.5 VTC-6265M1 5.85 - 6.65 400 1100 49 Conduction 18.0 x 3.0 x 3.5 VTC-6265M1X 5.85 - 7.1 400 1100 49 Conduction 18.0 x 3.0 x 3.5 VTC-6265M3 5.85 - 7.1 200 800 42 Conduction 18.0 x 3.0 x 3.5 VTC-6265M6 5.725 - 6.525 400 1100 48 Conduction 18.0 x 3.0 x 3.5 VTC-6361A3 5.85 - 6.725 700 2050 40 Forced Air 19.05 x 5.0 x 5.86 VTC-6361B4 5.85 - 6.425 700 2456 50 Forced Air 21.5 x 5.5 x 5.46 VTC-6361D3A 5.85 - 7.1 750 2300 40 Forced Air 19.05 x 5.0 x 5.86 VTC-6361H1 5.85 - 6.425 400 1470 50 Forced Air 21.48 x 5.0 x 5.46 




Helix TWT C-Band

Helix TWT C-Band


Description: 400 Watt, 5.725 - 7.10 GHz, CW traveling wave tube, periodic-permanent-magnet focused, coaxial input, waveguide output, conduction cooled. Custom configurations are also available. These variations in the performance and configuration include: mechanical configuration, electrical and RF connections, and dual-stage depressed collector.

VTC6369D5 Data Sheet

VTC-6362A5 5.85 - 6.65 750 2100 43 Conduction 20.02 x 4.0 x 3.80 VTC-6362A7 5.725 - 6.65 750 2100 43 Conduction 20.02 x 4.0 x 3.80 VTC-6362A8 
5.85 - 7.1 750 2100 43 Conduction 20.02 x 4.0 x 3.80 VTC-6368L4 5.85 - 6.65 2250 (peak), 1200 (average) 4500 40 Forced Air 19.5 x 5.0 x 5.34VTC-6369C2 
5.85 - 6.425 2250 6750 40 Forced Air 22.05 x 5.0 x 5.34 
VTC-6369C6 5.85 - 6.725 2250 6750 44 Forced Air 22.05 x 5.0 x 5.34 VTC-6369C9 5.85 - 6.65 2250 6750 44 Forced Air 22.05 x 5.0 x 5.34 VTC-6369D3 5.85 - 6.65 2250 6750 44 Forced Air 22.05 x 5.0 x 5.34 VTC-6369D4 5.85 - 6.65 2250 6750 44 Forced Air 22.05 x 5.0 x 5.34 VTC-6369D5 
5.85 - 6.725 2250 6750 44 Forced Air 22.05 x 5.0 x 5.34 




See: Hubs and Controllers



See: Motors & Positioners


750 W, X-Band Helix TWT


Description: 750 Watt, 7.9-8.4 GHz CW high efficiency traveling wave tube, coaxial input, waveguide output, conduction cooled or air cooled. Custom configurations are also available. These variations in the performance and configuration include: mechanical configuration, electrical and RF connections, and dual-stage depressed collector.

VTX6361P1 Data Sheet

VTC-6362A4 7.9 - 8.4 750 2100 43 Conduction 20.02 x 4.0 x 3.8  VTX-6182C1 7.9 - 8.4 110 424 48 Conduction 17.125 x 3.00 x 2.50 VTX-6264A2 7.9 - 8.4 350 1295 50 Conduction 18.0 x 3.0 x 2.50 VTX-6264D2X 
7.9 - 8.4 400 1100 50 Forced Air 18.97 x 3.0 x 3.05 
VTX-6281A4 7.9 - 8.4 665 2765 45 Forced Air 21.5 x 5.0 x 5.46 VTX-6281H4 7.9 - 8.4 600 2614 45 Forced Air 21.5 x 5.0 x 5.46 VTX-6361F1 7.9 - 8.4 750 2300 40 Conduction 20.02 x 4.0 x 3.70 VTX-6361P1 7.9 - 8.4 750 2300 40 Forced Air 19.05 x 4.6 x 5.0 VTX-6368L8 7.9 - 8.4 2500 (peak), 1250 (average) - - Forced Air - 




3000 Watt X-Band Helix TWT

3000 Watt X-Band Helix TWT


Description: 3 kW CW Helix TWT Series, 5.85 to 6.425 GHz, periodic-permanent, magnet focused, coaxial input, waveguide output, forced-air cooled. Custom configurations are also available. These variations in the performance and configuration include: mechanical configuration, electrical and RF connections, and dual-stage depressed collector.

VTC6282F3 Data Sheet


X-BandHelix TWT 

X-Band Helix TWT 


Description: 2.5 kW, CW Helix TWT Series, 7.9 GHz to 8.4 GHz, Periodic-Permanent, Magnet Focused, Coaxial Input, Waveguide Output, and Forced Air Cooled. Custom configurations are also available. These variations in the performance and configuration include: mechanical configuration, electrical and RF connections, & dual stage depressed collector.

XHELIX850 Data Sheet

VTX-6379E1 5.85 - 6.425, 7.9 - 8.4 1000, 2000 6750 42, 49 Forced Air 22.05 x 5.0 x 7.62 VTX-6381T1 5.85 - 6.425, 7.9 - 8.4 350 819 46, 55 Forced Air 21.5 x 5.0 x 5.46 
VTX-6382F3 7.9 - 8.4 600 3000 40 Forced Air 22.05 x 4.6 x 5.84 




X-Band TWT

X-Band TWT


Description: 2.5 kW, CW Helix TWT Series, 7.9 GHz to 8.4 GHz, Periodic-Permanent, Magnet Focused, Coaxial Input, Waveguide Output, and Forced Air Cooled. Custom configurations are also available. These variations in the performance and configuration include: mechanical configuration, electrical and RF connections, & dual stage depressed collector.

250CWHELIX Data Sheet

VTX-6385M1 7.9 - 8.4 400 1100 49 Forced Air 18.0 x 3.0 x 3.0 VTX-6389G4 7.9 - 8.4 2250 6750 49 Forced Air 22.05 x 5.0 x 5.34 VTX-6389G5 7.9 - 8.4 2500 7425 49 Forced Air 22.05 x 5.0 x 5.34 VTX-6389H2 7.9 - 8.4 900 3151 50 Forced Air 22.05 x 5.0 x 5.34 VTX-6389L3 7.9 - 8.4 1800 6750 44 Forced Air 22.05 x 5.0 x 5.34 







X-Band Coupled Cavity TWT

X-Band Coupled Cavity TWT


Description: The VTX-5783G pulsed-coupled cavity TWT covers 9.35GHz to 10.1GHz with 50 kW peak output power, 1.0 % duty cycle. This device has a non-intercepting grid pulsed and dual stage depressed collector to achieve 49 dB gain. Custom configurations are also available. These variations in the performance and configuration include: cooling method (affects average power level), mechanical configuration, electrical and RF connections, & single stage depressed collector

VTX-5783G Data Sheet

VTX-6383 10.1 - 10.7 15 Forced Liquid Solenoid 
VTX-5681 9.5 - 10.5 120 35 Forced Liquid Solenoid 
VTX-5682A 9.0 - 9.5 30 1 Forced Air PPM 
VTX-5783A 8.6 - 9.5 40 1 Forced Air PPM 
VTX-5783E 8.6 - 9.5 40 1 Forced Air PPM


X-Band WR90 Coupled Cavity TWT

X-Band WR90 Coupled Cavity TWT


Description: The VTX-5786J family of pulsed-coupled cavity TWTs covers 9.45 GHz to 9.95GHz the 5786J has 12 kW peak output power, 10.0 % duty cycle. This device has a non-intercepting grid pulsed and dual stage depressed collector to achieve 40 dB gain. Custom configurations are also available. These variations in the performance and configuration include: cooling method (affects average power level), mechanical configuration, electrical and RF connections, & single stage depressed collector

VTX-5786J Data Sheet

VTX-5786D 8.6 - 9.5 25 1 Forced Air PPM 
VTX-5786E 9.5 - 10.0 1 50 Forced Liquid PPM 
VTX-5786K 8.4 - 9.0 15 6 Forced Liquid PPM 






S-Band Pulsed Coupled Cavity TWT

S-Band Pulsed Coupled Cavity TWT


Description: The VTS-5753 pulsed-coupled cavity TWT covers 3.1 GHz to 3.5 GHz with 170 kW peak output power, up to 16% duty cycle. This solenoid focused device has a non-intercepting grid pulsed and single stage depressed collector to achieve 46 dB gain. This device is capable of parallel operation from a common HV power supply, phase tracking is better than +/- 20 degrees. The long life CD coated cathode is capable of pulse width to 1 millisecond.

VTS-5753 Data Sheet





S-Band Pulsed Coupled Cavity TWT

S-Band Pulsed Coupled Cavity TWT


Description: The VTS-5754A pulsed-coupled cavity TWT covers 2.9 GHz to 3.2 GHz with 160 kW peak output power, up to 8% duty cycle. This device has a non-intercepting grid pulsed and single stage depressed collector to achieve 48 dB gain. This device is capable of parallel operation from a common HV power supply, phase tracking is better than +/- 20 degrees. The long life CD coated cathode is capable of pulse width to 200 micro seconds in this PPM focused TWT

VTS-5754A Data Sheet





S-Band CPR284 

S-Band CPR284 


Description: The VTS-5754F pulsed-coupled cavity TWT covers 3.1 GHz to 3.6 GHz with 160 kW peak output power, up to 8% duty cycle. This device has a non-intercepting grid pulsed and single stage depressed collector to achieve 48 dB gain. This device is capable of parallel operation from a common HV power supply, phase tracking is better than +/- 20 degrees. The long life CD coated cathode is capable of pulse width to 200 micro seconds in this PPM focused TWT

VTS-5754F Data Sheet





CP284 S-Band Pulsed Coupled Cavity TWT

CP284 S-Band Pulsed Coupled Cavity TWT


Description: The VTS-5754G pulsed-coupled cavity TWT covers 2.7 GHz to 3.1 GHz with 160 kW peak output power, up to 6% duty cycle. This device has a non-intercepting grid pulsed and single stage depressed collector to achieve 48 dB gain. This device is capable of parallel operation from a common HV power supply, phase tracking is better than +/- 20 degrees. The long life CD coated cathode is capable of pulse width to 200 micro seconds.

VTS-5754G Data Sheet







S-Band CPR284 Pulsed Coupled Cavity TWT

S-Band CPR284 Pulsed Coupled Cavity TWT


Description: The VTS-5755 pulsed-coupled cavity TWT covers 2.7 GHz to 3.1 GHz with 60 kW peak output power, up to 2.4% duty cycle. This device has a non-intercepting grid pulsed and single stage depressed collector to achieve 50 dB gain. This device is capable of parallel operation from a common HV power supply, phase tracking is better than +/- 20 degrees. The long life CD coated cathode is capable of pulse width to 50 micro seconds in this PPM focused, air cooled TWT

VTS-5755 Data Sheet

VTS-5754D 3.1 - 3.5 160 6 Water PPM 





X-Band Pulsed-Coupled Cavity TWT

 X-Band Pulsed-Coupled Cavity TWT


Description: The VTX-5783B pulsed-coupled cavity TWT covers 8.9 GHz to 9.4 GHz with 50 kW peak output power, 2.5 % duty cycle. This device has a non-intercepting grid pulsed and single stage depressed collector to achieve
48 dB gain.

VTX-5783B Data Sheet

VTX-5786B 8.6 - 9.5 12 2 Forced Air PPM 
VTX-5786C 10.8 - 11.8 12 2 Forced Air PPM 


Inductive Output Tubes (IOTs) - Klystrones-Wikipedia

Broadcast: Scientific/Non-broadcast Applications - K2D110w - K275 - Oscillators & Converters - Connectorized Waveguide Options - Heat Sinks  Pulsed Products - Millimeter Wave -Transmit/Receive Modules and Subsystem - X-Band Transmit - Receive (T-R) Subsystem - 9.5-10 GHz Transmit - Receive (T-R) Module

Klystrone - SSPA - TWTA - HPAs




KlyStrode Density Modulated Amplifier

KlyStrode Density Modulated Amplifier


Description: The klystrode is a relatively new type of RF source that has demonstrated DC-to-RF conversion. A relatively new device called the klystrode to be used in UHF-band TV-system transmitters The Klystrode-An Unusual Transmitting Tube with Potential for UHF-TV Borrowed from gridded-tube technology and a klystron-like output cavity. It is a density-modulated amplifier.

KlystrodeDMA Data Sheet





Klystrone velocity-modulated tube

Klystron Velocity-Modulated Tube 


Description: The klystrode is a relatively new type of RF source that has demonstrated DC-to-RF conversion. A relatively new device called the klystrode to be used in UHF-band TV-system transmitters The Klystrode-An Unusual Transmitting Tube with Potential for UHF-TV Borrowed from girded-tube technology and a klystron-like output cavity. It is a density-modulated amplifier.

KlystronVMT Data Sheet




Power Couplers-Wikipedia

Power Couplers - Power couplers provide the vacuum and thermal interface between the evacuated superconducting cavity, which is typically kept at 4 K, and the room temperature waveguide components. Power couplers transmit microwaves generated by the high-power microwave source, typically a klystron. Power couplers must be extraordinarily clean and reliable to ensure that they meet the stringent requirements of superconducting accelerators. 

Superconducting Cavity - High Power Microwave - Vacuum Thermal



Power couplers


Description: Power couplers are manufactured to its customer’s specifications using processes which are standard to the electron device industry, as well as processes which are specific to power couplers.

CPIXFEL2 Data Sheet





Power couplers


Description: CPI BMD is currently manufacturing 300 power couplers for the XFEL and LCLS-II accelerators and has built up the necessary infrastructure for fabrication and assembly at
rates necessary to support these programs.

CPIXFEL2 Data Sheet

Crossed-Field Amplifier - CFA-Wikipedia

Crossed-Field Amplifiers (CFAs) are broadband, phase-stable microwave amplifiers used in coherent radar chains to efficiently generate very high peak output powers from relatively low input voltages which can be either applied to the cathode or an electrode similar to a TWTs cathode or grid pulsing, and in relatively small, lightweight packages

Anode - Cold Cathode - Water Cooled Anode - Pulsed Anode



X-Band 900 kW Crossed-Field Amplifier

X-Band 900 kW Crossed-Field Amplifier


Description: Frequency 8.9 – 9.5 GHz. Peak Power Output 900 kW. Duty Cycle .001. Anode Voltage 38 kV. Anode Current 60 amps. Pulse width 0.83 microseconds. Heater 10 volts @ 20 amps. Liquid cooled anode.

SFD233 Data Sheet





X-Band 500 kW Crossed-Field Amplifier

X-Band 500 kW Crossed-Field Amplifier


Description: Frequency: 9.5 - 10.0 GHz. Peak Power: 500 kW. Duty Cycle: 0.001. Pulse width: 0.5 μSec. Anode voltage 34 kV. Cold cathode. Water cooled anode.

SFD251 Data Sheet



C-Band 500 kW Crossed-Field Amplifier

C-Band 500 kW Crossed-Field Amplifier


Description: Frequency: 5.4 - 5.9 GHz. Peak Power: 500 kW. Duty Cycle: 0.0025. Pulse width: 3.5 Sec. Node voltage 27 kV. Cold cathode. Water cooled.

VXC1606 Data Sheet





C-Band 900 W Crossed-Field Amplifier
C-Band 900 W Crossed-Field Amplifier


Description: Frequency: 5.4 - 5.9 GHz. Peak Power: 900 kW. Duty Cycle: 0.005. Pulse width: 50 μSec. Anode voltage 30 kV. Cold cathode. Water cooled.

VXC1659 Data Sheet



L-Band 90 kW Crossed-Field Amplifier

L-Band 90 kW Crossed-Field Amplifier


Description: Frequency 1.25 – 1.35 GHz. Peak Power Output 90 kW. Duty Cycle .032. Anode Voltage 11kV. Anode Current 25 amps. Pulse width 40 microseconds. Cold cathode. Water cooled anode.

VXL1169 Data Sheet





S-Band 220 kW Crossed-Field Amplifier

S-Band 220 kW Crossed-Field Amplifier


Description: Frequency: 3.1 - 3.5 GHz. Peak Power: 220 kW. Duty Cycle: 0.02. Pulse width: 50 μSec. Anode voltage 16 kV. Anode current 36 A.

VXS1925 Data Sheet




IF Line Amplifier-Wikipedia

In-Liine NB amp RF Decks - Standalone RF amplifier decks (i.e., without a power supply) can be provided. The RF chain is completely configured to your requirements. Connector or Wavegide

LNB Amp - LNA Amplifier - IF Power Stack Combiner


Satellite In-Line Amp

LNB Amplifier


Description: 950-2400 MHz InLine Amp 20db Gain Full Solder back in-line satellite amplifier is designed to be connected between a satellite dish and a receiver. Used to boost a signal over a long cable run. The LNB switching voltage is used to power the amplifier. The gain is 20dB

LA-9520 Data Sheet



950-2400 MHz InLine Amp 20db

950-2400 Sloped


Description: Designed for in-line boosting of satellite signal  950-2400 Mhz Powered by 13 - 18 VDC through coax Sloped Gain 16 - 20 DB for long cable run

LA-9520S Data Sheet


Eagle Aspen In-Line Satellite Amplifier 20dB 

Eagle Aspen In-Line Satellite Amplifier 20dB 


Description: The Eagle Aspen 20dB in-line satellite amplifier is used to strengthen your incoming satellite signal. This device is ideal in installations that feature long cable runs (100+ feet) and where multiple splitters are used. This antenna amplifier is installed from the receiver to the dish. Solid Signal is your source for this Eagle Aspen 2150 MHz in-line antenna amplifier. 

SA-2050 Data Sheet



WBA125F In-Line Amp Satellite IF



Description: Power Hubs and In-Line Amplifiers call today and get latest pricing. Block Up Converter RF output power VSAT transceivers are based on a compact L-Band IF input Block Up Converter (BUC). 

WBA125F Data Sheet




Aska 20 dB In-Line 950-2400 MHz DC Passive

Aska 20 dB In-Line 950-2400 MHz DC Passive


Description: This is a high quality I.F. 950-2050 MHz line amplifier with up to 20dB gain at 1450MHz. This amplifier is DC passive. For long satellite cable runs. No need for separate power supply.

ASKA202150 Data Sheet



Pico Digital 20dB 40-2150 MHz

Pico Digital 20dB 40-2150 MHz 


Description: 950-2150 MHz In-Line Amp 20db Gain Full Solder back in-line satellite amplifier is designed to be connected between a satellite dish and a receiver. Used to boost a signal over a long cable run. The LNB switching voltage is used to power the amplifier. The gain is 20dB.

LA2150a Data Sheet






Spaun USA WBA-425F 4-Way Wide Band Amplifier


Description: DirecTV 5 LNB dish compatible a great solution for long cable runs throughout an installation. Frequency Ranges: 5 dB---2200 MHz 4 input/ 4 output Amplification to compensate for runs up to 250 feet of RG6 coaxial cable Can be used before or after a multiswitch Line powered or through a remote power supply.

WBA-425F Data Sheet





SPAUN 28dB Satellite In-Line Amplifier

SPAUN 28dB Satellite In-Line Amplifier


Description: PF or long cable runs between the satellite dish and the receiver, this amplifier will boost the signal a full 28dB. Compensates for line loss.

XSPAUN-28A Data Sheet




SBK 5502 NF

5502NF - SBK 5502 NF
6-In Cascade Amplifier


Description: DirecTV New Slim Line 1 Coax cable. Return path compatible 1 wire Off-air distribution using push-pull technology Power for one  Slope controlled Level adjusters call

X5502NF Data Sheet






SBK 3203 NF

3203NF - SBK 3203 NF
1+In Cascade Amplifier


Description: Adjustable VHF amplifier. Slim Line 1 Coax cable. Return path compatible 1 wire Adjustable Satellite amplifiers. Supports up to two.

X3203NF Data Sheet






Sonora 54 to 2400 MHz One Coax Line Amplifier

Sonora 54 to 2400 MHz One Coax Line Amplifier


Description: Indoor / Outdoor 54 to 2400 MHz DBS line powered amplifier with forward gain and subband 2 to 40 MHz passive return. This product is a universal coaxial amplifier. The amplifier works with ATSC, CATV, DBS & SWM. Includes passive 2 to 40 MHz sub-band return.

LA281R Data Sheet






Sonora Coax Line Amplifier

Sonora Coax Line Amplifier


Description: Indoor / Outdoor 54 to 2400 MHz DBS line powered. Indoor / Outdoor 54 to 2400 MHz DBS line powered amplifier with forward gain and sub band 2 to 40 MHz passive return. This product is a universal coaxial amplifier. The amplifier works with ATSC, CATV, DBS & SWM. Includes passive 2 to 40 MHz sub-band return.

LA281R T24 Data Sheet




Sonora SWM Extension Line Amplifier

Sonora SWM Extension Line Amplifier


Description: Model LA281R boosts cable and DBS signal levels off setting the loss of 300 feet of RG-6 while passing data modem and receiver control signals from the receiver to the switch.

LA281RT Data Sheet





Sonora Design 950 to 2150 MHz 2-Port Trunk Amplifier

Sonora Design 950 to 2150 MHz 2-Port Trunk Amplifier


Description: SDTA282-T dual trunk amplifiers power dual LNBs and amplify dual 950 to 2150 MHz DBS signals for distribution in a coaxial cable system. 

SD TA882-T Data Sheet





Sonora DBS Ka/Ku Auto-Gain Amplifier with -5 dBm

Sonora DBS Ka/Ku Auto-Gain Amplifier with -5 dBm